So we made it out of Mexico with our two Corgis (yea!).  However, we have unexpectedly had to deal with skin issues on both of our dogs (once in Tank and twice in Ace).  They get white bumps all over their body and develop severe scaling (scales) on their skin.  The vet thinks they are allergic to the rag weed in Virginia, but it dawned on me that we switched them from Front Line to Advantix because of the problem with ticks where we live.  Besides the Advantix and change in environment, everything else is the same (they eat the same diet).  Could they be allergic to Advantix?  Has anyone experienced this in their Corgis?  

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Comment by MCE on September 2, 2012 at 7:17am

Thank you!

Comment by Cindi on September 2, 2012 at 12:06am

I've not had any issues with that myself, nor have I heard of any from my customers.  You might try giving Benedryl.  It's 1 mg/lb.  So a 25 lb dog can take 1 pill.  That might help with the breaking out.  But you never know.  Both of those drops use a different "carrier" and so the dogs may have an allergy to that.

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