I never knew how stressful rescuing a Corgi could be. . .but the wait was well worth it. . . .

On Jan 8th, my friend Nancy sent me a text saying that her hairdresser had a friend who was at the Pasadena Animal Shelter and she saw a Corgi there.

Nancy and I have talked for some time about how much I love my Corgis and how I wish I could get another one. She suggested that if I really wanted another Corgi that I should go and see what I can do to adopt her.

I went down on a Saturday, Jan 9th, morning to see how I could adopt her. At the time they told me that someone else had already applied for her adoption and that I could wait until noon, or call them back. It was only 9:00 a.m. so I decided to call back. I asked them how a Corgi ended up in their shelter? She told me that Daisy was brought in by her owners because she bit their child. At first I thought to myself that's absurd and then I thought if Daisy did bite, maybe she was truly provoked. Anyway I said well that still wouldn't change my mind about adopting her.

I waited until noon and called the Shelter back. The girl at the counter told me the people came and adopted her. I felt relieved that she wouldn't have to spend another day there but was sad that I didn't get to take her home.

Then on Monday morning, Jan 11th, I got an e-mail from the Pasadena Animal Shelter saying that Daisy was up for adoption??? I called them and told them that I was there on Saturday and they told me she had been adopted. They proceeded to tell me that the people brought her back because Daisy was panic stricken with their dog they already had. Oh I said what kind of dog was it? They said it was a very large dog. I said DUH! She was probably scared out of her wits. I thought they had to bring their pets in to see how they interacted. She said the people mentioned they had a dog but didn't mention what kind or size. They didn't want to hear my complaints. They said that if I was still interested, I could come back to re-apply. I told them I would be there Saturday, Jan 16th hoping I could take her home right away. Then on Thursday, Jan 14th, I got an e-mail saying that Daisy was taken to Long Beach by a woman named Jane who does Corgi Rescues.

I contacted Jane this time and explained that I was interested in rescuing Daisy and explained what happened at the Animal Shelter. Jane asked me to come to Long Beach and bring any dogs that Daisy will be interacting with. I got the Pupsters all ready, gave them a bath the day before and then when the day came, Sat. Jan 16th, we all went down to Long Beach to meet Daisy.

They met with Daisy one at a time and then all together. She had no problems meeting her own kind, I think because they were all the same height she wasn't intimidated by them. Besides I always say, animals know their rank and status in a pack, it's people who make them nervous.

Jane was supposed to bring Daisy last weekend, Jan 23rd but it turned out she thought Daisy had a Urinary Tract Infection. She took her to the Vet. The Vet ran tests on her and it turned out Daisy was in heat. Those horrible people LIED about this sweet little girl. They told the Shelter that she was spayed. Jane was so upset with these people. I was upset with these people. I think between Nancy, Jane and I, we were sending our thoughts to these people and they weren't very nice.

On Thursday, Jan. 21st, Jane took Daisy in to have her surgery. She called me to say Daisy came through with flying colors and that she was doing fine. Daisy has to go back in 10 days to get the stitches out so she won't be bringing her until Feb 13th. I laughed to myself. I told Nancy that maybe I'll get her in time for my birthday (March). . . .LOL

Finally. . .today, Feb 13th Daisy came home to enjoy a life of love, fun and companionship. She won't have to worry about anything anymore. . .she will be loved by all. . . .

They say a picture tells a thousand words. . . .you tell me???

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Comment by Kathryn Graham on February 14, 2010 at 7:37am
Oh well done! Look at that smiling face. She's a beauty and looks like she'll fit right in with the other splendid members of the pack.
Comment by Gail and Ashton on February 14, 2010 at 2:21am
Congrats on your newest addition! Daisy has many, many, MANY years of love to look forward to in her new forever home! <3
Comment by Mary and Rosie on February 14, 2010 at 1:58am
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! It sounds like it was an ordeal adopting Daisy, but a picture is indeed worth a thousand words and it looks like the ordeal was worth it! Daisy looks so happy, she's a very lucky dog. :D
Comment by Julia on February 14, 2010 at 1:36am
I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Some of it I can understand, the shelter wants to send dogs home as soon as possible, so the people who were there first were able to take her home. We may have sent this dog home with this family, but only after we did a dog interaction, cat test (hee hee), and met with all family members. Had we handled this adoption, it probably wouldn't have happened, especially with some one else who was interested. To not have a dog interaction before the adoption - shameful. It's horrible for a dog to be moved from one stressful place to another, then back to the first. On the other hand, we do stress to adopters that if it doesn't work out BRING THE DOG BACK.

Was it the adopter who claimed he dog was spayed? Or the original owners? We always check. We shave and look for a spay scar. Or was it the shelter who claimed she was spayed? This is bad news. A shelter animal should never be adopted out without being neutered.

And, yes, a picture says a thousand words. This may not have been a good process, but it's a good outcome. I'm so happy she ended up with an experienced corgi owner who loves her. The first adopter is the exact reason that we stress to all our adopters that if the pet is not the right one for you, BRING IT BACK! We will find the right home for the dog, and the right pet for the family.


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