Well quite a few new events in the last few days. Ceiro got his first bath this weekend. [as you can see in the couple of pics I posted] He wasn't real fond of it but he did ok with it. Later that same day he discovered how to "work" the stairs. So I had to stick a gate up. I am letting him go up them with me, but not coming down yet. His balance is much better but I'm worried he might tumble coming down.

Today he had his first visit to the vet. Just his next round of vaccinations. He did really really well. He had no problem introducing himself to people and the other dogs in the waiting room. He even did well with the exam. Obviously he did whimper when he got the shots and the worm test. But other than the lil whimper he didn't put up a fuss and went right back to his normal self directly after. Even back in the waiting room afterwards he wasn't begging to go or anything.

Is this normal? I mean I know it was his first visit but they usually have a way of sensing these things. Especially once they experience the not so pleasant parts don't they usually wont to leave or change behavior?

And then finally today I had him out on the leash to go to the bathroom. The front porch is about 2-3 feet off the ground and has some bushes around it. Well he was up on the porch reaching out to smell the bush and he decided he would jump and swandive into it. He didn't fall he jumped onto it. Luckily he was fine. I had to get him out but he was wagging his tail while he was in there.

So that's that. I would love some feedback on the vet thing.

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Comment by Alice on December 10, 2008 at 12:42pm
Our Finnigan was a little squirmy during his first bath but mostly he just wanted to drink the bath water. Afterwards when we wrapped him in a towel he just went limp. It was funny to see. Maybe he thought he was back in the womb. :) He's had several baths since then because he's always getting pee on himself and he seems to enjoy them now.
Finn's first vet visit was a few days after we got him (8 1/2 weeks old). He was his normal happy self, wanting to say hi to everyone. The only time he protested is when the vet had to hold his head still to look in his ears but when it was done he quickly forgot and was back to trying to lick everyone. He went back a couple weeks later to get his shot and deworming. He was still very happy and the vet tech gave him a treat while the vet gave him the shot so he didn't even notice. The vet said dogs hate the taste of the deworming medication but when he gave it to Finn he loved it. He even started licking the syringe afterwards to see if he could get any more. What a goof! I think that's totally normal for puppies to be happy go lucky and as long as you stay calm, so will they.
As for his porch diving, he may have thought it was solid and he could walk on it like grass. I'm sure he just hasn't learned yet that bushes aren't something he should dive into. :)
Comment by Andythomas412 on December 10, 2008 at 11:28am
Interesting, thanks for the feedback. :)
Comment by Laura Jones on December 10, 2008 at 10:08am
The one time KC went to the vet was to be fixed and she was normal excited self when we went in and gave the techs and receptionist all big puppy kisses when she left. We haven't had to take her back but I have a feeling that she would be the same way, excited to see everyone and giving out kisses. I think it is one of the nice things about the corgi personality. We have a big sheperd mix and to get him to go into the vet or even to the groomers you have to push and pull and drag him in.

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