Call me old, or maybe just not up on the times, but I have NEVER blogged before. I am finding this site to be contagious, so as I explore all the options, I thought, "why not, it's a new year!"

I became a member of this site searching for a Cardigan puppy. That said, within 4 hours of my original post, I had found a breeder (LOVE HER!!) and low and behold, a puppy!

My original picture on my page is of PJ, my wonderful "guardian angel" Great Pyrenees - I love that pic because he is smiling and so very happy. I have now posted pics of all the doggie babies at our farm: Willow, the other beloved guardian angel Pyrenees who is the world's sweetest dog, Brody, my soon-to-be 16 yr. old Mini Schnauzer, and Maci, my precious new 5 month old Boxer who was heaven sent from my recently deceased Titus, Great Dane. Truly, if you believe in fate, a dream and several events led me to Maci, who other than being a female and a different breed, is Titus reincarnate. For a true look into her personality, see the pics posted on my Page.

So new puppy (to be named Josie, we are fairly sure) will hopefully arrive by plane from Minneapolis on Friday. Dawn has worked diligently all day on the kennel area in our basement, and Willow and Maci have played in the mud and rain outdoors today (I have spent the day cleaning behind them.)

If anyone reads this other than friends from outside the Corgi pages.....what advice can you offer with bringing on a new 4 1/2 month old Cardi pup? This will be my first Corgi, so other than what I have read, I know very little about the breed.

Happy New Year to one and all!!

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Comment by Lucy Hicks on January 4, 2009 at 8:17pm
You are in for a wonderful experience!!!
Comment by Alice on January 4, 2009 at 6:05pm
Congratulations on finding a Cardi to join your family. My family has always had at least 4 dogs at a time and my favorites were the herding dogs. If you've owned a herding dog before then you will know pretty much what to expect, if not, you're in for a fun experience. They can be such clowns. :)

My fiance and I have a 4 month old Cardigan. We have known Pembrokes and Cardigans and decided the Cardigan was better for us, though both breeds are wonderful. We've had him since he was 8 weeks old and it has been quite an experience. We're still working on potty training and he's about to start obedience classes. He needs to work on his social skills a bit but they are a very smart breed so I know he'll do fine. One of the first things we taught him was shake (If you've ever seen a 9 week old puppy shake, it's the cutest thing). As with any dog, you want to teach them as much as possible from an early age and get them well socialized. With Cardi puppies, you don't want them to jump off of furniture or go up or down stairs until they are at least 6 months old as it can cause problems with their joints but other than that they are sturdy little dogs.

I'm sure you'll love your Cardigan as much as we love ours and if you have questions you can always talk to your breeder. Most breeders are happy to offer advice.

Can't wait to see more pictures!
Comment by ChestersMom on January 4, 2009 at 5:27pm
CORGIS ROCK!!!!!!! pure and simple. You will ADORE your Corgi as much as every other dog you have had. She will think she's Queen, and as large as your largest breed. They are big dogs with short legs.

Congratulations on your first Corgi! (we're all biased here- and believe that Corgis are the very best breed ever!)

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