Charlie has almost finished changing to his summer clothes, but still the fury guy is feeling hot!!:-). He doesn't eat that much and of cause he can't walk that far. The loss of appetite irritates me a bit though. He gets his food twice a day but lately he only eats his "evening food" around midnight.. hmmm. Hopefully it is just the heat.??

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Comment by sheila hatcher on July 17, 2010 at 9:45am
H e might be telling you he needs one meal a day,My baby gets finiky every once in a while.
Comment by Mette Egelund Rasmussen on July 15, 2010 at 4:33pm
Hey Sam. No today has been really nice. Not too warm and not too cold:-) We have water for him outside and in the house. He drinks it a lot so thats good. He pants when over 30c. But thats normal for dogs. Today he didn't eat his food, but I could train with him and he likes his treats. So guess he´s just fastidious more than he usually is. So annoying that he is so picky with food. hmmm
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 15, 2010 at 12:41pm
25c in Copenhagen doesn't seem so bad today :) Does he pant excessively? as long as he's not having a temperature, drink good amount of water, I wouldn't worry too much.

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