Hello corgi people! Some of you might remember last year, I captained a team of corgis (and honorary corgis) to the second place fundraising team to benefit the Escondido Humane Society in North San Diego County.

Last year, thanks to the generosity of our donors, 22 team members raised over $13,000! Even though we were beat out by the cat ladies (Team Sweet Pea and Jesse), we were still mentioned in the local paper and given a thank-you lunch by the Humane Society. See, the cat ladies have won every year, and their team is the only name on the plaque that hangs in the Humane Society lobby! The leader of Sweet Pea and Jesse said to me "I hope you guys can beat us this year - we're getting really tired of being the only name on the plaque". I don't know if I should be inspired or offended, LOL.

This is information about the Humane SOciety from my fundraising page. EHS has been given a 4-star rating, the highest rating there is:

The Escondido Humane Society is an independent organization with the majority of their work supported by people like you and me. EHS directly shelters 5,000 animals every year, and offers protection services to an estimated 155,000 more. By the time an animal reaches their doors, EHS is often their very last hope. As an open-door shelter, EHS welcomes all companion animals in their area, regardless of age, health, or intensive needs. Despite limited space and funding, healthy animals are safe at the Escondido Humane Society, no matter how long it takes to find them a new home.

Your sponsorship of my walk at Paws in the Park will offer lifesaving care for dogs, cats, bunnies and horses in need. Your gift will stretch far for animals, too. Charity Navigator awarded the Escondido Humane Society four stars, the highest award offered to exceptional charities that exceed industry standard in fiscal responsibility and program efficiency, and ranks the Escondido Humane Society #1 among animal shelters in Southern California.

Think of an animal who has made a difference in your life, and do what you can to help other animals just like him or her. Please make a tax-deductible gift to sponsor my walk. Your gift is fully tax-deductible (EHS Tax ID #95-1661662) and will do so much good for companion animals in need. The animals at EHS depend on caring people like you and me. Please join me today in saving lives – four paws at a time.


Thank you so much!

Geri and Sidney, Team Low Rider


So, if any of the folks at mycorgi.com have a charity budget and want to help Team Low Rider try to take first place, here is the link to my page. If you click on "Team Low Rider" in the upper right corner of my page, you can see the team list and our total work to date (we're at $2,141.67 at this moment)




I'll definitely update this blog and let you know how we're doing as it gets closer to the walk (March 27th!)

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Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on February 25, 2011 at 12:18pm
I hate to say it, or love to say it, but they ARE the best looking team out there!  :)

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