I want to thank everyone who has posted comments for us since we have joined Mycorgi.com. I am having a great time looking at everyone's pictures of their adorable pets. I can appreciate your talent since I can't get my Tinker to sit still for much of anything.Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get her motivated to listen to me. She will not do anything for a treat. She just walks away. She does better when I have the leash on her, but I don't want to keep her leashed all the time. I'm not new to dogs and this is my second Corgi. I'm not familiar with clicker training. Do you think that would be worth a try? Where do I get a clicker?Anyway, thanks for any help you have for me and keep the pictures coming!

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Comment by Alex on November 2, 2009 at 9:38pm
It really depends on your dog and his environment.
Does Tinker get to do anything she wants? Meaning, does she eat anytime she wants, goes wherever she wants, and etc.?
What I would suggest is the Nothing In Life is Free program. Works great on Kenji. We did start this program the minute we got him at 8 weeks though. He is 17 weeks right now.
If she listens to you more when she is leashed, I would leash her all the time until she gets the fact that you're the one providing her freedom.

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