Tomorrow is Bella's gradutation day, and so far she hasn't shown any signs of improvement since we left Petsmart last Saturday to today. I mean, she's doing pretty good with "Leave it", and surprisingly she'll come when called when I'm too far away in public. But suddenly she decides she won't sit for me, and she will not stay put for five seconds before pouncing on me for a treat. I have worked all week to get her ready for tomorrow, and she just doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to tell her. It's not a problem that she doesn't understand the command... so what's going on. It's 7:44. I have three more hours to work on her before I sleep. Then I have about four hours tomorrow to review some quickies before graduation day.

They say dogs are like their masters. I'm really slow in school too. No matter how many times somebody helps me go over some math problem, I just can't seem to catch on. It takes a lot of explaining every single detail for me to understand how to get it right. Maybe I have to go back to phase one with Bella and explain every little detail until she finally understands. Hopefully, I can make enough process for her to graduate from puppy school tomorrow. I really don't want her to be left out and not graduate with her classmates. That's be so sad to watch.

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Comment by Nancy Geddes on November 20, 2009 at 8:02pm
Dear Bella: One of my tests in obedience was to sit/stay at a distance. Between NanMom and me was a runway outlined in paper plates with biscuits on them. I was supposed to come when called, ignore the biscuits and sit at her feet. Well, I tell you, NanMom called me and while I was running, I hit every plate, gathering every biscuit that I could and sat at Mom's feet. Then, I immediately ran back to clean up the other plates. Wasn't that what I was supposed to do? So, my dear Bella, just try your best cuz your Momma will love you all the same. We love you too. Your friend, Tasha (who is obedient only when SHE wants to be).

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