Well, here it is, and I feel like the world's worst mother...Tot got beat up while he was outside with some of my other dogs. I've determined it had to be my tri-color corgi, Miley, and my corgi/aussie shepherd mix Pandy-Dawn, but can't figure out why. My vet says he has puncture wounds, bruising, and will tell me more when I get there tonight. I feel sick, like I let him down. They've always gotten along, never a problem, never so much as a snarl let alone something like this. So, he's not epileptic but now he is shaved, has pain meds and antibiotics. And I feel like a horrible mother. What can I do to make it up to him? I am going to make sure he goes out alone from now on but I can't punish the girls since I didn't see it and it's past history in their minds.

Thanks for the prayers and for caring - I'll post pix of my babies soon -


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Comment by Julia on June 1, 2010 at 11:39pm
I really wish these guys would TELL us when something's wrong. Staying quiet about your problems may be a good idea in the wild, but can't these doggies figure out that they live with people? Who will take care of them if only they TELL us what's wrong?

Poor baby. I'm sure antibiotics will be a big help. They certainly helped with our coyote bites!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on June 1, 2010 at 9:59pm
Hope your baby gets well soon! If this is a one time occurrence I'd keep an eye out but wouldn't be too worried, sometimes things just escalate. I used to work in a dog day care and we'd have 70 dogs all milling around together and sometimes one would just be grumpy and snap at a dog that they are typically running around having a great time with every day (some people brought their dogs in EVERY weekday and they'd become buddies). Sometimes I'd fight with my siblings when I was a kid and we still typically got along great. You're not a horrible mother! Things happen and all we can do is learn from them so they don't happen again. Hope nothing like this happens again and good luck to Tot
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 1, 2010 at 9:38pm
Aw poor little guy! I'm sure he's feeling much better with the meds. You could not have known this would happen, so don't beat yourself up about it. Is it possible that another dog got into the yard, or a coyote or something? At least your worst fears, about parvo, were not true, and he should heal quickly! How is he behaving around your other dogs? Skittish? Afraid? If not, maybe it was not them. I would not leave him outside unless you are right there with him.
Comment by Stephanie on June 1, 2010 at 8:26pm
You are definitely NOT the world's worst mother. Watch THIS VIDEO and take a well deserved break, relishing in the thought that as long as that kid has parents, you'll never win worst mother.

Always the Optimists - Steph, Bear and Goldy
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on June 1, 2010 at 6:45pm
Poor Tot! Treat him good and make sure he knows he's loved - I am sure he does know it. It's terrible that this has happened, but at least now you can keep your eyes on him, and it's nothing more sinister. Hugs to you Tot! I hope you are feeling more yourself soon!!
Comment by Avyon on June 1, 2010 at 4:29pm
You can't be the worlds worst mother if you didn't know this would happen. I think a lot of us leave our group of corgs with each other and never think about it because they behave so well around us.

If there were no warning signs from the start you wouldn't have a reason to separate them in the first place. (well unless one was in heat.. the male was still intact.. etc...etc...)

I wouldn't beat yourself up about it.. just take careful measures now that you know it could happen between the pups and Do take Tot out to some place special and give some lovins just because it happened. Not that it's your fault or not. Just to make a little one feel better :)

Happy to know what it is and that Tot will get better!
Comment by Brittany Nelson on June 1, 2010 at 2:55pm
What I'd do to make it up to him is take him for a special day at his favorite place like a park or over to one of his favorite friend's house when he gets well. Or buy him a special treat like his favorite chews or bones. Make sure you give him extra attention when he gets home so he'll understand that he is loved and you will keep a better eye out for him. Good luck!

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