Buddy goes to the vet for a weigh in today! He has been on this amazing diet for about two months. When we rescued Buddy, he was, shall we say, "hefty". I'd been taking him to a vet that would only lecture me on the weight issue, but would never make suggestions (other than the obvious) how we could get his weight down. He now goes to a new vet, who has put him on a prescription diet. He lost 5 lbs., his first two weeks! Wish us luck today! He was 48 lbs., last time, down from his original 53. He is very spry now and even jumps up on the sofa, which he never did before!

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Comment by Jenn on July 17, 2009 at 5:49pm
I am going to be adopting a 2 year old male corgi who sits at roughly 35 pounds... the person who owns him says that their vet says that he is at a good weight, but he looks really... "heavy" to me. Dakota is only 25 pounds, and my vet says she could probably stand to lose another pound. I'd like to get him down to at least 30... I want to save his poor corgi joints!
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on July 17, 2009 at 10:46am
Good work Patti on helping Buddy slim down. He will be happy and healthy for a long time without those extra pounds. Twinkie is around 32 lbs and we are really working on more exercise for her.
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 17, 2009 at 10:17am
It depends if Buddy was bred to standard, 30lbs would be the top end. If he's within his ideal weight, that will eliminate a lot of joint problems. There's really no magic in weight control, eat less and walk more. My dogs are 28lbs, they eat 1 cup a day 45 mins walk.
Comment by Patti & Buddy on July 17, 2009 at 9:10am
Nancy, is 35 lbs considered heavy for a Corgi? I ask because that is where Buddy's vet says she would like to see him. :) We do have a portion cup and he eats Hills RD food. 3/4 cup a.m. & p.m. - - no treats, nothing else.
Comment by Nancy Geddes on July 17, 2009 at 8:52am
Congratulations Patti and thank you so much for rescuing Buddy and taking a proactive stance in his corgi health. You are fabulous to do so. He is going to feel so much better! My Bear was creeping up there (35 pounds) and it was a real conscientious effort to use a portion cup for food and more exercise. Bear is nine years old and it's not easy getting it off. I should take a photograph of Bear and I reading the South Beach Diet book......now it's my turn!!!! All the best from Williamsburg, VA: Nancy, Bear, Tasha and fluffy Linus

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