I'm going to be getting a corgi puppy soon and I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas or opinions on what color he will be? Will he stay a black tri or will he go red/blonde? I know it's not a for sure thing but I would still like to hear peoples opinions. :)

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on July 29, 2010 at 10:36pm
I completely understand how you both can feel a connection to the pup already and that's good. Every puppy needs a home to call his own, just if you go for another, investigate a little further to make sure your not dealing with someone who is more interested in the money for their other hobby that they are more interested in the well being of all their dogs and do what needs to be done to make sure healthy pups are whelped and raised. I'm sure if you talk to her she will be more then understanding...I mean its only a week or so. BUT, if all the pups leave at 6 weeks and yours is the only one left behind..then from what you've said already, I think he is probably better off with you two. IMO
Comment by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on July 29, 2010 at 4:56pm
That would be wonderful thank you. The only problem(s) is/are that my boyfriend has already paid the deposit and we really are attached to the little guy(my boyfriend just said the other night how much he loves the lil one already). I'm not exactly sure whats the best thing to do, but try and give the puppy more time with his litter mates. I must admit it does worry me that I know the puppies(by color and gender) better than she does. But I'm not very sure of what to do in this situtation or if I should do anything at all.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on July 29, 2010 at 4:42pm
Your being very wise to wanting to do the right thing. I think it is by far fair of you if she held onto that pup til atleast 7-8 weeks. I know from having plenty of pups...the difference one week makes. If she can not do that for you then go elsewhere. I'm alittle bothered as well that you made the comment that she had to be very specific on the pups markings because she was having a hard time knowing who was who and didn't know them well. All I can say is that is a red flag she spends no time with them specially for not knowing them at 5 weeks. I have 2 week old puppies and know each one and the order they were born. I also don't like the idea of 5 week old puppies being taken from the dam this early either. Don't settle...listen to your gut. If you would like to talk more privately feel free to email or call me. I'm sure I know someone else reputable in your area that would have a pup for you.
Comment by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on July 29, 2010 at 4:08pm
Right now he is exactly 5 weeks old(born June 24th) and she started to wean the puppies a couple days ago. I know many breeders (of different types of dogs) tend to give puppies away at 7 weeks, though I know lately in what I have read they say 8-10 weeks even though many people/breeders give them away at 7 weeks. Its hard to visit him since they live about an hour and 40 mins away from us and the breeder does horse shows outta state too. I'm going to try and get her to keep him until he is good to go but if she is trying to send them to new homes at 6 weeks I'm not sure how she will like 10 weeks. Throughout my life so far I have always gotten new additions when they were 7 weeks and have never had much trouble but I would really like to do this right.
Comment by Carol Rea on July 29, 2010 at 9:59am
Seems to me we brought Odie home at about 10 weeks, we lived very close to the breeder so we had weekly visiting rights, made it easier to wait! I sure would not want to bring home a pup at 6 weeks, and I am not as smart as all these other folks (common sense, yes, remember my biology info from 30 years ago no!)
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 29, 2010 at 7:43am
Very interesting!! Thanks for posting those links
Comment by Amy and Marlee on July 29, 2010 at 2:16am
Here are three sites that show/describe the color changes. The first is for black/red head tris. And the second is for all colors, including sables. The last shows how markings change.

Development of Red in Red and Black-Headed Tricolors

corgi colors and how they develop
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on July 29, 2010 at 1:45am
Carol...hands down your dog is a sable. As far as this puppy..red tri and am questioning if its a bluie but can't tell if the pastelling is camera lightening wrong or what. How old is this pup? That puppy is not to leave at 6 weeks....the stress of vaccination and then a new home being yanked from litter mates. For that vaccination to be fully affective takes 2 weeks and then he will need another booster that will take another 2 weeks a week after the first vaccination. Is this pup already weaned from his mother? Another no no!!! Read this for more information
Emotional, Physical, and Mental Development of Puppies
Comment by Carol Rea on July 28, 2010 at 11:18pm
can you put a colored ribbon around him to mark him as yours? I know a lot of breeders do this. He is so cute, I know that you want to get the right pup. I think you and Monica are on to something, with the pictures about colors and which combos will turn out which way. I am learning an awful lot by reading this. And Monica, I am so glad that you had all those pictures of Orion so we could see the changes! The only pup we have had was Odie, and he was a red and white and so he really did not have all the color changes - we do have boatloads of pictures, all on the computer that went bellyup, I might add.
Comment by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on July 28, 2010 at 8:09pm
Yes, we signed a contract and paid the deposit for him. She also wrote down on her paper what Odin looks like to make sure but she seems to get a little confused with which pup is which. I'm sure it will all be fine but I think she is wanting me to take him right after he gets his shots which he will be just a couple days over 6 weeks. So I'm trying to put it off until he is older.

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