most people ask what kind of dog is that? what the heck is that little legged dog? and time after time i have to tell them a pembroke welsh corgi. after answering that question i have another question to answer. A what? what did you say that was? And i explain to them that that a he and his name is teryx and he is a PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI! then they ask whats his name.? which i really cant get upset about because in all reality it is a strange name. I tell most people its pronounced like Tear-ex....after all for quite an unusual dog he needs an unusual name...most people he meets tho cant ever remember his name so they call him tater after our niece said he looked like a tater tot when he was a puppy(low,round, a tater tot). then people ask why did u decide to get a corgi. Growin up i didnt really have a dog until i was 5 years old then we adopted an abused dog from a shelter....We called her prissy she was bow legger and shook her butt when she walked so we thought it looked prissy.... she had a low stature and short legs...but we never knew what kind of dog she was......we just knew she was a good one. she went every where with me didnt let me leave her sight....protective, playful, fun loving and i swear that dog smiled right at me all the time....Prissy was more like a family member than a pet...she went through so much with me and my family a move a death a wedding and high school graduation with me......she was my best friend and most nights my mom could find me out therer to prissy at night on the porch letting her know all the happening and othere mishaps of the day she truly seemed like she listened....she was a great dog......but last year probably around this time she passed away at 18 yrs old. i never knew what kind of dog she was just that she was a great one. about 7 months ago i was mingling through a garage sale and heard 2 dogs barking....being the dog lover i am i had to go see and i saw two dogs that made me smile there was no doubt in my mind that i figured out what kind of dog Prissy was.....a cardigan corgi! from that moment on i knew i wanted a corgi......i knew they were great there is the reason i own a corgi......i want to give teryx everything a dog ever wanted i want him to be happy i want him to know that he is loved just like my old dog prissy was. -courtney long-

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Comment by christy fry on August 17, 2009 at 11:31am
how sweet!!! I'm so glad you find such love and enjoyment in your pup

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