Ollie & Prie Misra's Comments

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At 12:01pm on February 7, 2011, Kristine said…
I got Toby from Pecan Farms in Mayflower, Arkansas.  There are breeders who live closer, but I specifically wanted a tri-color and that was the closet breeder who had one.  He's just the best dog ever.  I think the breeder prefers her dogs to be show dogs, but his markings aren't correct so he isn't eligible to show.  I didn't want to show so I'm OK with that.  We have Toby and just rescued Henry, who is a Pem.  From my experience, Cardis are a shyer than Pems, but both are great dogs.  Good luck to your mom finding her Cardi!  And your little Ollie is adorable!!
At 2:56am on February 7, 2011, WLA corgi said…
Mochi just had his last shots. hooray! we can't wait to have him actually play this time at the dog park. we'll be there this Saturday :) see you there!
At 4:33pm on February 5, 2011, Tina and Cooper said…
what a sweet little boy that Ollie is ..:)
At 4:33pm on February 5, 2011, Tina and Cooper said…
Hi thanks for the add...and the sweet comment on Coopers photos....:)
At 12:32am on February 5, 2011, Lisa && Yoshi said…
thanks! i would definitely love to come to my first meetup soon but I'm sick right now and it's full blown and doesn't seem to be going anywhere =( but I'm going to keep my eyes open for  the next meetup that's close enough that we can attend!
At 9:50pm on February 3, 2011, Katie said…
Hi! Thanks for sharing your story of Ollie and the Beggin Strips on my blog! Ollie is cuuuute!
At 2:09pm on February 3, 2011, Renee and Lacey said…
After seeing the puppy website, now I want one!!! It's lucky for me my Dad doesn't want even one dog here, or I would have about five by now!
At 1:14pm on February 2, 2011, Renee and Lacey said…

You will have to keep me posted on all baby Prie news. I am a hopeless puppy lover, and corgis are the cutest of all.

Lacey might be going to a herding instinct test March 17th. I'll keep you posted.

At 12:39pm on January 31, 2011, Lily said…
Hi! When is the next one at Playa Vista Oberrieder Dog Park?
At 10:11pm on January 30, 2011, Lily said…
That is funny they are so close in age! Too bad about the rain. We went, it was only 3 corgis total! Hopefully the next one will have more!
At 1:46am on January 29, 2011, Renee and Lacey said…
I really like the name you picked for the puppy. When is the mom due to be whelped? We will miss you on Sunday. I just picked up a license for Lacey from the WLA shelter today, and drove home by way of Barrington to see if I could find the dog park. Is it in the recreation center close to Sunset?
At 6:54pm on January 27, 2011, Renee and Lacey said…
I am glad you are not naming the new puppy Penny, as that is an extremely common name for all reddish-brown dogs. You would meet lots of Golden retrievers as well as corgis with that name. Foxy, Shorty and Stretch are also common pet corgi names, I've found. Preeti is nice because everyone can pronounce it, and it shows your Indian roots. Is Winslow-Porter the breeder's name? Since my dog training name is Glenmar, Lacey's whole name is Glenmar's Lacey Beatrice, which sounds more feminine than the actual doggie! Are you able to come Sunday, or too busy?
At 10:25pm on January 18, 2011, Lance, Tucker & Kristin said…
Hello Ollie! How have you been, hope you had a great day! :]
At 2:40am on January 16, 2011, Lisa, Huey & Milo said…

Thanks for organizing the meet up!  We had a lot of fun, plus got a chance to meet Milo's long lost twin. :)

At 1:43pm on January 12, 2011, Renee and Lacey gave Ollie & Prie Misra a gift
At 10:55am on January 12, 2011, Ginny said…
Hmmm...I'm afraid I can't place them, off the top of my head.  Maybe if I saw their doggies, I would remember.  ;-)  I didn't know there was an official organizer of the Redondo meetup.  It has been going on so long, I thought it just a tradition?
At 1:45pm on January 11, 2011, Ginny said…
The next picnic event will be the club's Corgi Fun Day on 6/18/11.  It isn't yet posted on the website, but will be soon.  You can check http://pwccsc.org/ and then click on the Events link.  It is always lots of fun...of course there are lots of Corgis!  Check the site for pictures from last year's Corgi Fun Day!  It will be held at Featherly Park, AKA: Canyon RV park...so there is camping too, we usually camp there for 4 days.
At 1:13pm on January 11, 2011, Haley Merlot said…
We'll try to make it to Redondo this weekend. It's a little further, but sounds like fun!
At 11:52am on January 11, 2011, Ginny said…
Thank you for the friend invite!  We are honored & look forward to the Corgi meetups!
At 10:43pm on January 9, 2011, Maya said…
We will definitely be back.  We missed you the last time we went, maybe 2-3 wks ago.   It's been busy for us, so we have been taking her to more local parks (Pasadena & Silverlake).  We won't make it out this wknd, but the following weekend we will for sure be there! :)  Btw, I saw the WLA meet-up, keep us updated we might try and make it out to that one as well!

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