Karen & Bailey's Comments

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At 11:05pm on August 21, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
Yeah, that makes sense. I would hate to be a dog and get spayed! Thanks anyway, after Shelby gets spayed, she'll be even fatter! :(
At 7:25pm on August 21, 2008, Amanda Poon said…
By the way, Bailey's Giants outfit is AWESOME!
At 7:19pm on August 21, 2008, Amanda Poon said…
That's awesome! I actually go to a lot of Giants games but I can't go on Saturdays because I work basically all day. And good call - we're in the sunset!
At 6:15pm on August 21, 2008, Rabbit said…
Thanks!!! See you there (she'll be old enough by then to go out too :)
At 5:58pm on August 21, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
It's good to hear Bailey's healing well. I'm not quite sure when to fix Shelby. I don't think Shelby would be as quick to recover, but she sure is a trooper! We got her in a town called Belton, which is a little ways up past Austin. Then we had to drive all the way back to San Antonio! It was okay, there were only 3 accidents in the car. Shelby says the only fun thing about people is that they give you lots of food!
At 4:44pm on August 21, 2008, Rabbit said…
Hello! Do you know what time the meet-up is in Mountain Lake Park? 2nd Saturday, right?
At 1:15am on August 21, 2008, Linda and Kaijuu Le said…
i love it when corgi's smile! bailey got it down too, even with no teeth =P
At 6:00pm on August 20, 2008, Banjo and Starbuck said…
I love Bailey's new profile pic. He's a happy guy!
At 5:26pm on August 20, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
Ha! What's Bailey got the cone for? Shelby sometimes runs into stuff and hits the doggie door and little off-center during an exciting game of "Get chased through the house by some weirdo, while not watching where I'm going!" Thanks, by the way, only Shelby's ears are really soft and when you try to hug her, she squirms and makes funny noises!
At 3:02pm on August 20, 2008, JENNY & COBY said…
Hows Bailey doing? Hope he's doing FINE! ^^
At 9:00pm on August 19, 2008, Linda and Kaijuu Le said…
haha any tips on how to teach kaijuu how to "bang bang bang" .. he doesnt even like to lay down on command :/
At 7:17pm on August 19, 2008, Linda and Kaijuu Le said…

my boyfriend for all these months have been looking at youtubes of bailey online - he lovesss the bang bang trick, and wants to teach kaijuu! And TODAY i just realize [after watching the recap of 6 months] that you were on mycorgi, and i was your fiend -_- silly me.

once again, bailey is sooo adorable, and you have accumulated a lot of clothes for him =) haha !
At 5:12pm on August 19, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
Shelby's quite vocal, too! I love the videos and pictures! Bailey sounds like a funny little guy, an adorable funny little guy.
At 11:20am on August 19, 2008, Lexi said…
i'm so glad that Bailey had a smooth surgery! i'm sure he's just as happy as you are that he's back home. good luck with the rest of his recovery!
At 3:30pm on August 18, 2008, Lexi said…
How'd Bailey's neuter go?
At 9:11pm on August 15, 2008, Juel said…
awe poor Bailey! I am glad that he is doing well!
At 11:24pm on August 14, 2008, Keith, Joanne, and Range said…
I love Fort Funston Range had so much fun in the sand and water, the guy is so curious. We'll probably be there tomorrow in the afternoon, like after 1pm or 2pm... We went there on Tuesday and saw another corgi... so cute... they also told me about the meet up... r u going there tomorrow?
At 6:47pm on August 12, 2008, Keith, Joanne, and Range said…
Good luck with the Neutering. Range is gonna get one soon too, but my bf doesn't want it. But I think its best. Yeah, we'll probably check out Fort Funston today after my work. I can't do weekends, because were in the east bay during the weekends. And the only time I have for walks is after 4pm. But we'll try to make it on Sept 13th. ttyl
At 2:55pm on August 12, 2008, Keith, Joanne, and Range said…
When r you planning to go to Fort Funston again? I wanna check it out!!
At 2:51pm on August 12, 2008, Lexi said…
Bailey's getting soooo big! I love his Giants hat - though, I'm an A's fan. =) I'm tempted to buy Kuma a 49ers jersey... but I want him to be full sized before doing so...

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