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At 6:24am on June 4, 2008, Joe said…
Halo! thanks for being highlight to me! i just need to do more research first before i taking him home. cos my new place is not ready at the moment.
At 2:59pm on June 3, 2008, Christophe Share said…
I'm so glad you adopted her and that she is getting along with your other dogs!

Have you named her yet?

At 9:46pm on June 2, 2008, penny spencer said…
Kristen and "kids", I've been lax in getting back with people on line lately, "gardenitis" I think! I ran to Target soon as I had an excuse to look at the corgi pic display and it does resemble Roscoe...what a beautiful tail on cardis! He's doing okay except for his attitude sometimes. Penny's pot belly is getting bigger, a symptom of Cushings. How old is your engaged daughter? My son Aaron is 23 and hopes to get married next summer. He had an interview (2nd) at Oakland University Police Dept. where he graduated from. Will let him know this week if one of the 2 openings is offered to him. Hope, hope. I hate the idea of him as a police officer, but it's his choice, and it's not in a large city anyway. My son Zach is working Mackinac Island this summer and will go back to Western this fall. Audrey-Anne is 19 with no direction or passion for anything. Hates school, hates her job, bored living at home...blah, blah, boo hoo. Less drama when they were little. I am getting too old for all their stress, you know? Love them dearly though. Getting warmer every day. Still don't see those tomatoes yet (had a freeze last week that killed some stuff and had to re-plant). Got to get new pics on. Take care.
At 1:48am on May 30, 2008, Christophe Share said…
That's so sad! Puppy mills should be illegal. If someone whats a pure bread, there should be a system of accredited - frequently inspected facilities for pure breads. So many animals (domesticed and not) are abused for profit.

You are more of an expert on animals than I am, so forgive me if I give advice you already know. I image you are probably already aware of diapers for dogs. I mention this as a short term solution. Since she's been in foster care; there may be still some psychological problems causing this behavior. I only mention this because this may be the root of the problem and to try this first before drugs and surgery. It would be best to find an expert animal behaviorist to help.

I agree, she looks sad in the picture. Let me know how things go with your visit and if you decide to take her.

At 10:47pm on May 28, 2008, Loy said…

your's lil's dog extremely likability~~ Delete Comment
At 9:50pm on May 28, 2008, Christophe Share said…
That's sweet. How old and what kind of special needs does this Corgi need?

At 4:39pm on May 28, 2008, Niko (and his mom, Denise) said…
Your pups are so cute. Did you go through a breeder? I live in NY. I've seen a New Jersey breeder online but don't know who to trust. I want to meet the pup before I take it home. So I have to pick a breeder or rescue place close by. Any suggestions?
At 12:30am on May 28, 2008, Christophe Share said…
Three Corgis! That's a handfull or should I say a barrel full of Corgis :-)

At 4:59pm on May 27, 2008, Cadwell said…
thanks for the welcome! i hope my dog turns out to be as good looking as yours. I'm Japanese, and I gave my dog a Japanese name. It means "wild warrior," and it also sounds a lot like the Japanese word for "to elongate" (felt appropriate for this long-torso-ed animal!)
At 1:10am on May 24, 2008, Christophe Share said…
Thanks Kristen. You have two beautiful Corgis!!!

At 12:30am on May 24, 2008, Kerby (the human) said…
she's 6 mos. thank you for your kind words! i too enjoy your pic fresh from a swim!
At 10:56pm on May 23, 2008, john7747 said…
Thanks for the note! I have never heard of another dog named Turbo so that made me laugh. I loved your pictures- I thought our house was crazy with puppy and kitty- I can't even imagine your adventures!!! What kind of dog is the big one?
At 12:52am on May 23, 2008, Bob Dog said…
Thanks. We love our kids. You also have great photos. The one with the puppy in the tunnel cracks me up!
At 2:36pm on May 21, 2008, Kerby (the human) said…
At 12:49pm on May 21, 2008, Gracie said…
Thanks for the comment. We are very happy to have Gracie as part of our family! Your Corgi's are precious.
At 7:11am on May 21, 2008, Kristen said…
I just got up about half an hour ago and it is 6am here. I'm away from home at a meeting away from my puppies:o(. Have you not been to sleep yet?
At 2:01am on May 20, 2008, Mick . irl said…
It went ok considering. Pretty much an old age combined with a bad back thing. She seem to be doing better, although she is a little stiffer and slower. Without the pain I might add. Thank you for your concern. Much appreciated.
At 9:54pm on May 19, 2008, penny spencer said…
Kristen. Glad no problems with your daughter. Is the season over now , can she still play? What will she do after she graduates? When is your other daughter's wedding? You'll be busy busy.
Mother's Day was okay, nothing exciting. My mother passed on 5 years ago and I've been really missing her. With the kids getting older and all that, I now realize how she felt about things and so need to talk with her. I do and know she hears me. I'm looking forward to fresh tomatoes cukes and beans this summer! I'll post some "nature pics" and updates of the "kids". Take care. Penny
At 7:44pm on May 19, 2008, Kate said…
thank you for the welcome! i can tell this place will be very helpful! your corgis are beautiful.
At 1:35pm on May 19, 2008, Colleen said…
Thanks, Kristen.
I've heard good things about Eddies Wheels. My Dylan just never took to the cart. We exercise him in our spa. My husband holds him under his belly and Dylan moves his legs.Dylan also loves to play wheelbarrow. We hold him up in back and he really covers ground using his front legs. It's so good for his morale. But a little hard on our aging backs. If he keeps him going, though, we don't mind.

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