Kristen's Comments

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At 1:49am on February 20, 2008, Ju Lo said…
Phew! It's been such a whirlwind! The week before getting the puppy, getting the puppy, having the's all be crazy!

Theo is home and wonderful. I'll have to upload some pics here so I can show him off! :) I'll be posting for info on my blog when I get a chance.
At 11:23pm on February 19, 2008, Bama Girl said…
Hi Kristen! Thanks for your comment. Your tri-color is adorable. I was torn between a tri and Bama but she won my heart over quickly. I know Brodie will enrich your life just as much if not more than what Bama has done for mine.
At 11:13pm on February 19, 2008, Nicole & Baxter said…
Oh yes I am learning quite a bit just browsing around and reading all the experiences from other corgi owners. I'm very excited to welcome one of these little guys into my home. And much congratulations on your new addition! He is absolutely precious! I'm very sorry to hear of your loss that is indeed a tragedy. I hope the law is successful. Wishing you the best to you and your adorable corgi crew! :)
At 9:12pm on February 19, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
Thank you! Your new addition is very cute, and I love the name too. =)
At 11:08am on February 19, 2008, ♥ AdEle said…
Good morning and congratulation on your new baby ...!!
I am so happy 4 you !
At 12:34am on February 17, 2008, Evelyn Kay said…
Hi Kristen! Your Corgis are too adorable! I never met a Corgi I didn't love :) And how exciting that you are getting ready to add a new addition to the family! Can't wait to see the pictures!
At 8:15pm on February 16, 2008, Yogi d'Corgi said…
I am so sorry about Basil. So sorry for your loss. I admire your dedication in the bill that you are trying to get approved. I hope the best for you and family. :o)
At 8:07pm on February 16, 2008, Yogi d'Corgi said…
Thanks for the comment. They love each other. I dont think Yogi realizes that Zero is a cat and Zero thinks he's a dog.
At 8:00am on February 16, 2008, Becca [Formally Siduri] said…
Thanks much! He is my first Corgi, but my second herding dog. Herding dogs have always been my favorites!
At 5:44am on February 16, 2008, Anita Bjerring said…
The joy it must be too have three beautiful corgi´s. I´d love a playmate for Cæsar, but will have to wait a few years. Good luck with the little one. And do look us up if You ever come to Denmark.
At 6:41pm on February 15, 2008, Shannon said…
He was very proud, I'll have to get the other corgis her a costume next Halloween
At 10:24pm on February 14, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Hey Kristen, thanks for the sweet comment :) I'm glad you and others have enjoyed the site, it's been a pleasure launching the site and sharing the joy with all of you.
At 3:23pm on February 14, 2008, Shannon said…
I'll have to try to add some soon, plus next month both my girls will be having their puppies..more pics
At 10:15am on February 14, 2008, ebmom said…
Thank you - Jack and Josey are quite the pair!! I'm sorry about your tragic loss. I know you're excited about the new puppy.
At 9:35pm on February 13, 2008, brooke said…
thank you! i just found this site and love it so far!
At 9:26am on February 11, 2008, Anne Dettbarn said…
I have a corgi with a back injury too. It's very scary. Let me know if you need any information.
At 9:55pm on February 10, 2008, Anna Fung said…
Thanks Kristen ~ your doggies are adorable!
At 2:28pm on February 8, 2008, Apollo & Daphne said…
life is great! thank you! we are having a lil trouble potty training lol. she goes with big bro and we praise her. then within 10 - 15 minutes she makes a ninja potty somewhere in the house and i have to discipline her. for every successful potty there's an un successful one.
At 5:21pm on February 7, 2008, Kristen said…
Turbo is coming home on the 17th. I'm so excited. I wonder about the sanity of getting one more Corgi, but I am hooked. I am so jealous that you are able to work from home. It will be hard to leave him when I go back to work. The other dogs will certainly keep him company, but puppies need a lot of lap time. I may bring him to work with me for a few days--for bonding time! Charlie does have that happy content look that just says "its a good life!"
At 9:21am on February 7, 2008, Charlie said…
Thank you for the compliment on Charlie's new profile pic. He is one happy boy! I love him so much. : )

When is Turbo coming home? Has the breeder sent more pictures? I'm so excited for you! The cute puppy stage doesn't last nearly long enough. Makes me want another one.

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