Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Comments

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At 1:52pm on July 28, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
Hi Natalie,
thanks for responding to my post about Spencer's ears....yes he has been sneezing and scratching his nose on the carpet...maybe it is allergies...he really scared me the other night!
At 1:39pm on July 27, 2008, Nicki said…
Your corgis are beautiful! :)
At 11:42pm on July 24, 2008, Butter said…
July 19th! How many years have you been married? Thanks for the congrats! We are sort of like "whew, we made it". We got married, both for the 1st time, as a middle aged couple with a 12 year age difference. Yes, I married a younger man, just kidding, haha, he is 12 years older but doesn't really look it. I had no idea that I was imperfect till I got married; it has gotta be him, not me!!! Just kidding.
At 1:18pm on July 23, 2008, Katie said…
Thanks for your support on my blog!
At 1:11pm on July 23, 2008, Ilse Venter said…
Hi Natalie,,, I will post more pictures as he get's older. He is only 16 weeks old and very big for his age... I am so glad that I found this site... I can share my love for corgi's on this site that only corgi owners will understand.. Keep well... Ilse
At 8:56pm on July 22, 2008, Colleen M said…
Thank you! The boys are a handful, so different and yet some similarities. I dabble in photography and graphic design. If I was to get another Cardi, I'd probably look for a Merle. The color has grown on me. My fluffy Cardi boy hair/fur is much different than the fluffy Pems I have met. He is light by long coated.
Colleen and da Boys
At 6:13pm on July 22, 2008, Katie said…
Hey Natalie! Keep up the hard work. It gets easier! I am finally getting my crew to not haul ass out the door when I open it! 1 small step! PROGRESS! :)
At 5:32pm on July 22, 2008, wendulik said…
Hi! Lance's color is so unique! I really like it. Just to add, our Risa is "he", not "she" :) Beautiful pictures!
At 11:42am on July 22, 2008, Phog's Mama said…
Yes, Phog is a Blue Merle. The breeder I bought her from specializes in Blue Merles and what she calls Tuxedos. Lance is so cute, as are the rest of your dogs! How do you keep up with all of the pet hair? I can barely keep Phog brushed enough so that she doesn't shed all over the house.
At 10:00pm on July 17, 2008, Katie said…
Cheryl and I are friends IRL. She and I keep our horses and our horses at the same barn. She is the one that found Molly for me. The corgis are so good around the horses. They stay close, don't wander and don't bother the horses.
At 4:52pm on July 17, 2008, Dannielle said…
Yup! He's a blue merle, though he has quite a bit of black on him. We give him a hard time about it, haha.
At 4:26pm on July 17, 2008, Cheryl said…
It is fun! I have to say that they "tolerate" each other. Aragon doesn't care about Ems and Ems is afraid of Aragon. She always has one eyeball one him. She thinks he is a giant corgi that wants to step on her.
At 3:39pm on July 17, 2008, Katie said…
Wow! Your dogs are beautiful!
At 3:39pm on July 17, 2008, Katie said…
Thanks for the welcome! This is the coolest website! I am loving all the corgis! I have lots of pictures of Molly (see my avatar). Tigger is my new rescue- I just got him a week a go and I love him to bits! He and Molly are just starting to warm up to each other.
At 3:34pm on July 17, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
Wow, Lance is beautiful! I love his eyes and coat. Someday in the future (hopefully the near future) I can get a Cardi, too. If (and hopefully when) I get a Cardi, I'd want her to look just like Lance.
At 3:24pm on July 17, 2008, Cheryl said…
Hi Natalie! Thanks for the welcome! Lance is gorgeous! I love him! Cheryl
At 11:14am on July 15, 2008, Gizmo said…
Hello Natalie--Congratulation for the coming anniversary. I always looking for somebody who Gizmo looks alike,Lance is.
We don't know much about Gizmo,I did not even know what kind of dog he is when I first saw him, the family we know,gave him away.Gizmo made me fall in love with corgi.
Lance is so handsome. From his pictures, there are a lot things that Gizmo like to do as him.. stays underneat the chair,loves toy ..
At 12:31am on July 15, 2008, Katelyn said…
You're corgi is so pretty!
At 10:58pm on July 14, 2008, Steve said…
Thanks for the comment! Lance is very handsome and love his color - he has a little bit of everything.
At 2:53am on July 14, 2008, Vladimir said…
Right now he is almost 6 months (will be on the 17th) and he weighs about 65-75 pounds.

He will grow to be at least 30 inches at the shoulder and weight somewhere between 89 - 100 pounds. Some borzoi grow to be 120 pounds.
Yes, he is a very calm and laid back dog - not hyper in the least! Which is a godsend.With his size, it would be like a bull in a china shop if he was hyper! lol!

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