Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Comments

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At 2:45am on July 14, 2008, Vladimir said…
Thanks so much for the comment on my photo "Goobers..."

I appreciate it a lot! Vladimir, the borzoi, is going to get a lot bigger then he is on that photo, lol!
At 7:03pm on July 13, 2008, Furpants McGee said… everything pretty much set up...crate, toys, food...just needs a small furry friend now :) I can't wait!!!
At 10:12am on July 13, 2008, Nicki said…
Hey Natalie! Thanks so much for the warm welcome :) It's nice to see little Illinois corgis!!
At 9:56am on July 13, 2008, Corey & Holly's Mom said…
Congratulations on the Frisbee!!!
At 1:20am on July 13, 2008, Carlee said…
He is just a young guy :) Don't you miss the cute days of puppyhood? We got him at 3 months, so we didn't get to see him at the peak of adorableness(in fact he was rather awkward when we got him, lol!!), but I still miss that little thing romping around! Do you have any pictures of Lance as a pup? I'd LOVE to see if you do! I'll snap one of Regis tomorrow and send it through here since I think I can do that.. lol. I'm so new to this!
At 12:58am on July 13, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
awww, Regis is so young, I miss that! Lance is 2 and will be 3 at the end of October! Yes snap a picture of his ears, I bet they are cool looking! Although Lance is still alot of fun and young himself!
At 12:46am on July 13, 2008, Carlee said…
Regis is 15 and a half months old! How old is Lance?

Regis' ears on the back side are a darker blue with a bunch of black spots and patches! I should snap a picture when I get my camera out :)

I love that Lance's ears are so tan, how gorgeous! I've always loved that on Cardi's :D
At 12:12am on July 13, 2008, Carlee said…
Oh no! Don't tell Lance I made that mistake! Lol! Anyway, I do love blue merle- it was one of the reasons why I was so drawn to Cardigans! It took me months to find Regis, and I was so glad that I got him! I do love the mis-marks- who could say our dogs are imperfect?! :D They do almost look related, I wouldn't be surprised if they were! Did you get him from a breeder? I got Regis from Pat Sawtelle- wonderful lady!
At 10:49pm on July 12, 2008, Carlee said…
Natalie is gorgeous! Yay for mis-marked Cardi's :) Where did you get her?! She's so beautiful, I was so excited to see your comment and your cute blue merle in the picture!!
At 9:35pm on July 12, 2008, Corey & Holly's Mom said…
Natalie I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. I hope everything goes well with the Frisbee. It will be a challenge.
At 10:47am on July 12, 2008, Dannielle said…
Yes it is very exciting Aug. cant get here fast enough :o) Wow so many people with Aug. b-days it is crazy! Hope it is a good one for u even though u dont count it LoL
At 9:33am on July 12, 2008, Kristi said…
Thank you. Hopefully I'll figure out this site soon and be able to get some more pics upload.
At 8:57am on July 12, 2008, Cam said…
Thanks. Since coming home yesterday he seems to be doing a little too great. :) I'm having trouble just keeping up since he now has dietary restrictions and he has been trying to get into the cat food and go up and down the stairs to play with the cat like mad. He's really having to get used to the crate now since he's no longer just in it at night.
At 12:00am on July 12, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
We have done the obedience training there with Kristin (the trainer). My sister boards her chocolate lab and my neighbor's take their dogs for daycare a couple of days a week. I cannot say enough good things about it...everyone that works there are "dog" people and go CRAZY when they see a corgi. They are very good with the dogs and keep a close watch, which I think is important. The rooms that the dogs stay in have TV's and beds, as well as their own dog run outside. It is very very nice and clean. Dave and I are going out of town overnight and will board Spencer there without any hesitation!
At 11:39pm on July 11, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
Its so hard without him.....have you tried Pawstivly Heaven Spa in Chicago Ridge? They are amazing for boarding and daycare!
At 11:25pm on July 11, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
Thanks Natalie! I have missed him today....he is being neutered today and has to stay overnight...I didn't think the house could ever be so quiet..
At 7:59pm on July 11, 2008, Butter said…
Yeah,I was just reading the below...I do that too... for synthetic clothes, I take out of the dryer before dry and let air dry or don't even put in the dryer. Good luck, let me know if you decide to try anything and what you think. Joy :)
At 7:57pm on July 11, 2008, Butter said…
The below is a copy and paste from this site: a guide to alternatives over toxic chemicals

Fabric Softener

Fabric softeners are designed to reduce static in synthetic fabrics. They serve no purpose with natural fabrics. Fabric softeners may contain quarternary ammonium compounds (quats) and imidazolidinyl, both of which are known formaldehyde releasers. For about 5% of people, quats are an extreme sensitizer. They may cause a variety of asthma-like symptoms, including respiratory arrest. Exposure to formaldehyde can cause joint pain, depression, headaches, chronic fatigue and a variety of other symptoms. In lab tests formaldehyde has caused cancer and damaged DNA. Both quaternium and imidazolidinyl can cause contact dermatitis. Fabric softeners work by leaving a residue on the fabric which never completely washes out. It can cause allergic reactions through skin contact and inhalation. Fabric softeners may also contain carcinogenic coal-tar dyes, ammonia and very strong scents. When fabric softeners are exposed to hot water, heat from dryers or ironing, vapours may be emitted which can be deeply inhaled, increasing their impact.

Less-toxic Alternatives

Dryerballs - Eliminate static cling, soften clothes, reduce drying time. No chemical residue, no plants, no scents. Purchase Dryerballs through EHANS' Dryerball Fundraiser project and support this website.
Static Eliminators - no chemical residue, no plants, no scents.
Nature Clean - Natural Fabric Softener.
Simply Unscented

Because conventional fabric softeners contain so many harmful chemicals, even if they are free of added scents, they are not a good choice for less-toxic living.

Home-made Alternatives

Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar, baking soda OR borax to the rinse cycle to soften water and reduce static cling.

Laundry discs or balls (reusable) soften water and help reduce static cling.

A ball of aluminum foil in the dryer can reduce static cling without adding chemicals.

You may be able to dramatically reduce your use of fabric softener and still get the desired effect. One person reports she puts a dab of liquid softener on a damp washcloth, places it in her dryer and reuses the same washcloth for many loads without adding more softener. One bottle of softener lasts her years.


To reduce static in synthetics, run dryer on “air dry” or “no heat” setting when laundry is almost dry, then hang clothes up until completely dry. This will also reduce the need for ironing.
At 7:50pm on July 11, 2008, Butter said…
Hi, you can get dryer balls; I have them but I find they really bang around in the dryer so don't use them. I personally, just don't use anything. Just dry clothes in the dryer like they did before they invented fabric softener. There might be safer alternatives; I'll check a website that gives safer alternatives and see if they have anything.
Yes, I love amazing grace, too and especially this version. IT was written for the movie, Amazing Grace. Have you seen it; really good.
At 4:56pm on July 11, 2008, Butter said…
Hi, I left you a message under the post about mosquitos. have a good evening.

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