Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Comments

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At 8:54am on June 17, 2008, Butter said…
Thaks for the comment and what a beautiful dog you have....i have never seen anything like his markings. What does "merle" really mean, i've been wondering.
At 11:38pm on June 16, 2008, Cookie Y. said…
Becca and Sarah are going to the YMCA for four weeks for summer camp! They go to school at 63rd and Fairview (DG) at Good Shepherd. I am usually off on Mondays, or the weekends are good, too, after this weekend. We would want to do something that the dogs could go to, too. How do you transport Lance?
We start puppy training at Petco this Thursday and the trainer has a Corgi! As my girls would say, "sweet"! Talk with you later.
At 11:19pm on June 16, 2008, Cookie Y. said…
Becca will be in 3rd and Sarah in 2nd. They have been out since the end of May, as they go to a Lutheran school. We have been doing swim classes last week and this week. I still work 4 days a week, but have the summer planned for the girls to have fun. Does Lance protect your girls? Cookie is a people pleaser, so she doesn't do much protecting or guarding, but she is only 5 months old. If you are ever out this way, stop by! (Woodridge IL). I work at you know where it is?
At 11:05pm on June 16, 2008, Cookie Y. said…
We are doing great! Knock on wood, Cookie hasn't pooped in the house for quite a long time. She is a very happy dog and loves our kids and the neighbors' kids. I actually am getting more exercise walking her, and our kids are walking more, too. Thanks for asking. I hope to post pictures soon, although she doesn't look different. She likes to play with empty water bottles!
At 3:18pm on June 12, 2008, Kristen said…
Thank you for you kind comments, We feel lucky to have found Fern! I just love looking at your pictures of Lance. He is georgous. Someday I would like to have a Cardi, but common sense tells me I will be waiting quite a while before I ads another dog!
At 8:17pm on June 6, 2008, Jamie said…
I live on the south east side of Chicago, very close to Indiana border but it is still Chicago. I'm always shopping at Orland! I think all they'd need is a Nordstrom's and I'd be so happy!
At 2:08pm on June 6, 2008, Jamie said…
Nope, no family. I just live on the south side of Chicago and Orland is about 30 minutes away. I go for shopping and movies out that way!
At 11:06pm on May 31, 2008, Nancy said…
I just looked at your slideshow. The dogs are awesome. We had a lab/shep mix (passed a few months after our 1st corgi) and a rotw/husky mix before the corgis. I miss having a "big dog" but 4 is the absolute limit here. Is your corgi a full cardigan? It is so cute and has beautiful markings.
At 11:01pm on May 31, 2008, Nancy said…
Thank you, we think they are the most adorable things ever. All 4 of our corgis have very different personalities and abilities. We are so glad we "discovered" this breeed. They are not common in New England.
At 11:11pm on May 29, 2008, Nancy & Owen said…
Thank you :) Lance is beautiful - I love his blue eyes! I got Owen's pen from Petco online. I think the maker is precision pet. Unfortunately, the door is about 6 inches raised from the floor, so Owen has to hop over it to get out. I put a pillow outside the door and I have a blanket folded by the inside to lessen the clearance :)
At 8:44pm on May 29, 2008, Danielle said…
Hi there. Bowen turned one on January 29th. He even had a party!! Yeah, I'm one of those people!!
At 1:40pm on May 27, 2008, Vladimir said…
Lance is a beautiful corgi - Blue Merles are so impressive :-) Great photos as well!
At 1:19am on May 24, 2008, Kerby (the human) said…
Kerby is wonderful, she is a 23yr old female (me). My dog's name is Lucy and she's 6mos. But that's okay, you have no idea how many people meet me and say hey! I had a dog/cat/turtle/hamster/etc named Kerby!
At 12:41am on May 24, 2008, Kerby (the human) said…
Thanks for the warm welcome! Your Lance is the most beautiful, unique corgi I have ever seen. Did you seek him out or was it a chance encounter?
At 11:10pm on May 22, 2008, Cookie Y. said…
Cookie is 4 months old. How old was Lance before you allowed him to stay outside his crate unsupervised?
At 9:17pm on May 22, 2008, Cookie Y. said…
Cookie is a good dog. She is very happy when kids are around. I had read that we should only use the outside for potty training, but with the nice weather, we like being outside playing with her. So, I'm not sure how she is doing on potty training. She is good in her crate and sleeps the night, which is good.
At 6:18pm on May 22, 2008, Danielle_RN said…
Thanks for the fetchdog link! It's great!
At 5:26pm on May 22, 2008, Amy Parish said…
Daisy is doing a lot better. The day I posted everything Daisy got really sick and wouldn't eat anything except rice and eggs...It was horrible! I was so stressed out! But, she is feeling better now and we have switched the food to the one you suggested. I do give her a little handful before bed because the vet thought maybe she was getting an upset stomach because it was empty. Since then I have not had any problems! No more waking up at 4 a.m. listening to my poor pup! Thank you so much for your suggestions! My Daisy thanks you too!!! I will keep you posted.
At 5:44pm on May 21, 2008, mikonami said…
Mei's nail is all better now. No more cone head or bandage. All it has to do is heal now. Thanks for asking! =)
At 11:26am on May 20, 2008, Kitty's Corner said…
Thank you thank you!My is about to begin,even with it raining,my corgi spirits cannot be dampened today.And October is great, my mom likes it alot,and shes getting up there,too-ha ha!

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