Kathy and Jillie's Comments

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At 10:58pm on January 1, 2009, ChestersMom said…
Thanks for the comment! Yes, I have to give him injections twice a day. 12 hours apart, and yes, the diabetes is very manageable, just so scary when your best friend loses the use of his legs because he's in so much pain. I was very scared I would have to put him to sleep. I left him at the vet that day thinking I'd never see him again. That's why I started the group. I want other fur parents to understand that it's very manageable.

Happy New Year!
At 4:57pm on January 1, 2009, Jill and JOSIE said…
Thanks so much! The day has been a success! In further researching, I have found a reputable breeder in MN and a 16 week old tri colored female that I absolutely love!! Wish us luck!!
At 11:51am on January 1, 2009, Marion and Vern said…
Your corgis are so beautiful who could not love that face. Thanks for adding us as friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
At 4:33pm on December 31, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi Kathy, thanks for the friend add! Happy New Year to you to!!
It was nice chatting with you last night! I enjoyed chatting with you to!
Have a great day, talk to you later!
At 4:19pm on December 30, 2008, LSUTigerBPK said…
thank you! they do look alike, and it appears they are about the same age too
At 8:42am on December 30, 2008, Sherri Rehder said…
What is wrong with Toby ?...I have no idea...
... He is a mess.....
Toby poops and pees all over the house... He thinks he is the alpha pack leader...LOL
Sunday Toby , myself and my 10 year old daugher spent three hours at our dog trainers house. As soon as we walked in the door Toby peed on her couch and then went into her bedroom and pooped on the carpet next to the bed... He does the same here at our house... So I have to keep him on a lead right next to me so he does not go off and Pee on one of my kids beds or eat our cats poop, destroy the house etc ..etc. etc...
Any ideas? I have to keep him tied to me on a long leash inside because my neighbors do not want him outside barking all the time... He goes crazy in his Crate. He wants to be with everyone.. I think he needs another dog to keep him company but my husband will not go for that idea.
. I make sure to get him lots of exercise, runs, play time with our neighbors dogs but he is still a bad boy...
Any ideas?
A vet online told me he may need to be at a farm herding sheep..

At 7:53am on December 30, 2008, Gus's Dad said…
Thanks. I love your slide show.
At 5:20am on December 30, 2008, Dex-N-Me said…
Thanks for the add. You're Jillie is a beauty. Dexter says, "Wowff"
At 11:43pm on December 28, 2008, Nancy C. Lord said…
Hi, Kathy & Jim! How exciting for your son...bet you're really proud...Fort Myers is about 40 minutes south of us. We're just north of Port Charlotte in Englewood, right on the gulf...perpetual paradise! Yes Pip sure likes the camera. She loves her "pretty" (any kind of neck piece, bandana, head band). And her mom just loves to take the pictures! LOL. Take care, Nancy
At 10:43pm on December 28, 2008, Jaxon said…
Thanks for the welcome. Jillie is precious!
At 10:33pm on December 28, 2008, Lilo and her owner Lily said…
Thank you Kathy, Jim, and Jillie! Your corgi is sooooo cute!!! My Lilo and I say Hello from New York.
At 10:12pm on December 28, 2008, Kristen said…
Kathy and Jim, not sure if we ever connected before, but I was just on someone elses page and notices we have children about the same age. I have a 19 college sophomore and a 22 year old--who trains horses in Florida. I came to your page and was struck at how much your Jillie looks like our little rescue Fern.I wish I had a good picture of her posted. Jillie looks petite and athletic just like Fern. We also have a large pet family. 7 dogs (four of them Corgis) 5 horses, a flock of farm kitties and a parakeet named Conrad Birdie. Hope your holidays were joyful.
At 9:58pm on December 28, 2008, Alexis said…
Thank you both for the welcome! Your little girl Jillie is absolutely adorable! It's good to meet some nearby Corgi owners, too. :)
At 10:31am on December 27, 2008, Nancy C. Lord said…
Your girl, Jillie is soooo pretty! Pippin & her mom say HI from Southwest Florida! Corgi's are the BEST! Wish I had 10...! Thanks for the very nice welcome. Nancy & Pippin =:0)
At 7:46am on December 27, 2008, IMAMAZIN said…
most people that meet her dont even know she is missing a leg! your jillie is cute!
At 10:50pm on December 26, 2008, Mitchell and Amy said…
Thanks for the welcome. Jillie is beautiful. Take care and have a happy new year!
At 4:12pm on December 26, 2008, Elizabeth said…
Thanks so much for the welcome! Gizmo said he hopes Jillie had a nice christmas with lots of chewies and toys!
At 9:25am on December 24, 2008, Denise said…
Hi there! Jillie is just adorable!
My Sophie is eight years old and still acts like a youngster.
At 12:19am on December 24, 2008, Cristi said…
Thank you for the welcome. Jillie is very cute. I used to have a house rabbit that was best friends with one of my corgis too.
At 11:54am on December 8, 2008, Alice said…
Thank you. We adore him.
I love the name Jillie! That was the name of a charactor in a book I read a while back and I've liked the name since.

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