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At 11:00pm on January 21, 2008, New Corgi Mom said…
She is not lethargic she just crashes!! We are working on potty training not going so well we let her outside 30 mins or so then she comes in and uses the bathroom on the house ARRGH!! I immediatley pick her up and take her back outside, I am crate training and she has done well not using the crate I just dont know what to do about her using the house instead of the yard, I bougt her from a breeder and she was kept outside alot in an xpen and crated whenever not outside so I dint know maybe she is confused with the house and outside!! HaHa But she is so sweet and loving I hate to be angry at her I just wish she would do her business outside Thanks for the info on sleeping!!
At 7:05pm on January 21, 2008, Ras987 said…
Thanks for the welcome!!
At 4:17pm on January 21, 2008, Miles McDougal Carman said…
thank you for your very warm welcome =)
At 12:27pm on January 21, 2008, DudeWheresMyCorgi said…
thank you for the comment! I appreciate the welcome!! you have adorable dogs as well! =]
At 9:55pm on January 20, 2008, New Corgi Mom said…
Well I finally got our Corgi and she is wonderful but i was just wondering if new puppies sleep alot she is real playful and then she sleeps for a long time is this normal for new puppies she was born Dec 3, 2007!
At 11:49pm on January 19, 2008, Christine said…

Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement. I'm so thankful I found this site. What a great way to get in touch with others.

Moses Bleu is doing well. Doesn't care much for our weather right now though. His little paws are not found of the cold.

Thanks Again,
Christine and Moses
At 10:44pm on January 18, 2008, Maribeth said…
Thanks for the welcome - you guys have quite a tribe! It sounds like they've all come to the right place. I think we'll learn a lot from the MyCorgi group!

Devo & RUby
At 8:11am on January 16, 2008, Carolyn Pippin and Gambler said…
Thanks.... Scooter and I are going to enjoy the time on line at this website. I just have to figure out what to click on to do what I want to do.
I read about your FAB 5 and 2 big guys. Sounds like a few of yours have been pulled out of hell into heaven! Good for you. What services does Tank help with. Scooter and I also do the nursing home thing too. We have a older lady that the only time she even moves is when Scooter comes to see her. Then she cries in joy. Amasing how much joy one small dog can bring someone locked into her our world. My mom is in the same home too. So we go often. It is so rewarding to see the faces of happiness on people who have no family or much of anything to live for except a little dog visit!
Keep up the good work!!! Carolyn & Scooter
At 10:27am on January 14, 2008, Andrea said…
Thanks, from me and Cricket :)
At 2:10am on January 14, 2008, becky ash said…
thank you for the warm welcome! yes i'm active duty and your comment about the best made me laugh. i'm only 21 so...i've still got a lot to learn about being the "best" at anything XD

anyway-thank you for the welcome! <3
At 10:39pm on January 13, 2008, Dominique said…
Thanks! I have a lot of questions and corgi tales to tell. Glad to find such a friendly forum!
At 11:44am on January 13, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Do you use a log book to track different tricks you're working on? Our trainer suggested it since we might be working on several tricks. Also, having used the clicker in combination with luring previously, this is a whole new concept for both of us. I keep wanting to name what we're doing, (Bad girl, I know) before the behavior is proofed. I guess I just wanted to know if there were other mycorgi members using this method for teaching.

Thanks for your response. "Sam" responded in the discussion and seems to know a little too. I'm open to and need some cool ideas for tricks too.
At 5:48pm on January 12, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Moonmystic, what methods do you use to teach tricks? I just started a free shaping and clicker training class and am a novice. Used traditional positive methods in the past, but never this. Fantastic is all I can say. Looking for some pointers, started a discussion looking for others who may use free shaping, too.

Thanks in advance. Got to keep up the learning for the kids, no matter the age.
At 11:57pm on January 10, 2008, Christine & Fargo said…
Mmmm.. hopefully this year I'll become an owner, but I've been a corgi lover for years now.
At 7:22am on January 10, 2008, Kimberly Walsh said…
It certainly is amazing! We were at my sister-in-law's house and she had been playing with my SIL's pug. She was plumb wore out!
At 4:35am on January 7, 2008, Kevin Luke said…
Hey there :) Glad to meet you. You've got so many corgi's! that's so cool. I wish i had more but Miso is already a handful and needs lots of attention. I'm not sure how i came up with the name. I thought it sounded cute...her fur is also the color of miso! Anyways, its nice meeting you. :)
At 10:49am on January 1, 2008, Mandy and Lori said…
Happy New Year 2008!!! Have a great year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
At 9:54am on December 31, 2007, Shel7997 said…
thank you! yours are adorable!!! he LOVES the back of the car seat-he's such a little goofball :)
At 2:01pm on December 30, 2007, Brian Davis said…
Thanks for the warm welcome :) Your babies are so cute .
At 1:35pm on December 30, 2007, dancer said…
Thank you for the welcome!

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