Sylvia & Timmy's Comments

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At 2:52pm on August 20, 2008, Jaime Bragg said…
Glad to be here!
At 12:07am on August 18, 2008, Anne said…
Thanks for the comments about Le-Le. She is coming along so much. She is now going up to my husband for attention on her own and without treats. We start obedience in Sept. She has great recall, knows the word wait, walks on a leash well and makes good eye contact just need to work on basic sit and want her to be more socialized with people.
At 8:01pm on August 17, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
she's home!! luckily the right person got her and called me when they saw the flyers I put out.
At 8:33pm on August 15, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
Thanks Sylvia and Uncle Timmy for the video comment! =D we're doing great. bailey's resting right now (or more like passed out). He just got neutered today and i just picked him up and brought him home. good news is, he does have an appetite (i gave him one teeny itsy bitsy treat - ok maybe 3, and he took it immediately). they advised no food for two hours after surgery. =) he even reacted to a new bouncy ball i bought him during my day alone. =) have a great weekend!
At 9:49pm on August 14, 2008, Sam said…
Indeed I have seen it. Deion is a very "soft" fellow and would just look at me as if I was crazy. He is already near 13 so not very active at this time. He has been using the cart a bit more as of late and one romp per day seems to keep him smiling. Thanks for caring.
At 5:07pm on August 14, 2008, Cat & Casey said…
Looks like you had a fun time @ the Rodeo parade! Did you go to the rodeo also? I like a rodeo. Too bad Rascal & I don't live nearby to be in the parade also.
Cooler temps here lately. Rain, so of course thunderstorms for Rascal to hide. He had a touch of flu (lost his food) on Tuesday but back to his usuall onery self again by today.
Jerry missed going to a parade & celebration where his grew up. Cousin that lives in NW Iowa called to say 1 of her brothers would be there. Jerry was registered to go a tractor ride instead. So missed visiting with his Hummel cousins this year.
Will you help with elections in November? Maybe you will see one of his cousins then. cat oo & xx
At 4:01pm on August 14, 2008, Cat & Casey said…
Hi Sylvia as you can see I dont get to this site too often! Sorry-
Thanks for the congrats on Rascal being chosen Kaley's 1st DOTW. She did a good write up all about Rascal.

Interesting to read about Timmy's artritis. We think Rascal is having the same problems in 1 knee. I will try to keep your shots in mind.
At 7:55pm on August 4, 2008, Ginny said…
Thanks Sylvia & will do! We just had a Cardi as a foster doggie! If you like, put in an app with CWCNRT (Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust). Tell Sherilyn I sent you! LOL.

Hugs & talk soon,

At 9:24pm on July 28, 2008, Butter said…
Oh, it would be extremely unlikely for them to find one on PEI; we are a very small island, only about 140,000 pop. Pretty much no one knows what a Corgi is around here; everyone thinks they are Dashounds (sp?)

The only breeder on PEI has only one litter a year of Cardigans are most are flown to other provinces in Canada.

They MIGHT find one in Nova Scotia...although there are no breeders listed with the Canadian Kennel Club. In fact the next closest breeder would be in the province of Quebec and then Ontario and West; all very long distances from here.

I watch the site a lot to see what is going on in the dog community on PEI; have never seen a Corgi.

I would be interested and surprised if they ever were able to get one locally. Let me know if you find out anything or if they want more info from me.
At 8:43pm on July 28, 2008, Butter said…
Do you mean that the person wants to rescue a Corgi or that they are looking for a Corgi that has been already rescued?
At 7:07am on July 28, 2008, Sandy said…
Thank you for the UTI prevention advice. I will try to clean her and give her cranberry capsules. My brother went to UC Santa Cruz and we have relatives in Eureka. I love N Cali!
Good luck creating the dog park!
At 5:48pm on July 27, 2008, Epinephrine "Epi" and Carly too! said…
We read your post about the dog show in Dixon and would like to go. Where can we find more info?
markus, jess, n Epi
At 12:30pm on July 25, 2008, Juel said…
I made a date to visit the Pem breeder on tuesday. YEAH!!!
At 11:11am on July 25, 2008, Juel said…
Good Morning! I hope you and Timmy are doing well! We have actually had a couple of quiet days at work, what a nice break! Well better get back to work. have agood morning! And day if I don't connect with you!
At 11:04pm on July 23, 2008, Sarah C. said…
It occured to me that I don't know if blogs notify you if someone posted back! here's what i said. :)
"Hmm, I think the positioning is wrong.
First I'll explain how my dad WANTS to put her. He kind of sits her up, like how a baby sits, which is not a natural position and I'm pretty it's hard for her to breath in. She's actually pretty patient about it and will sit there for a moment, but at the first chance she jumped down and walks off. Attempts to put her back in the position in met with laid back ears and a very concerned look. So far she hasn't nipped or growled.
Since my dad sits in a big lazy chair, the position I would like to try would be Didi laying across his lap. She does this with me on my big computer chair, and since dad's chair is bigger, I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't be afraid of falling. The main obstacle is convincing her that it's a safe place to sit, and my dad that she doesn't want to be in the other position and that this positions provides maximum petting opportunities. This hugging position sounds interesting though!

Thank you so much for your advice. I think I'll try practicing 'hugging' with her. That might be useful too! "
At 9:04pm on July 23, 2008, Reese said…
It was well deserved. I know there will be plenty of questions when Reese comes home. 8 days to go... =)
At 12:37pm on July 22, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
well, as of 3 am today, Abby and baby Ziggy are friends :) Took her out to potty and she was being a bit stubborn about getting back into the crate, but Ziggy cat was laying down near it, and Abby non-chalantley laid down next to him and started kissing him and he was LOVING every second of it! SOO CUTE! *sigh* Of course at that moment I felt bad about making her get back into the crate, but I had to stick to my guns. I just wish she'd stop being so cute because I've been late to work these 2 days!!
At 1:03am on July 21, 2008, Furpants McGee said…
she's here, she's here!! look for a blog and many photos and videos tomorrow about our first moments and days together!! we love her sooo much...shes such a great dog! hope ur parade was fun. any pics??
At 12:41am on July 16, 2008, Sue Olson said…
My comment got cut off but just wanted to say I'll be closer to normal when I know I won't have a lien on my property. Part of this horrible fire bit. Things are looking better but cleaning EVERY item in this house with help from friends has encouraged me to have an open house this Saturday as a big thank you. I think I would have lost my mind.
At 12:28am on July 16, 2008, Sue Olson said…
Some of the barks of joy I could do without as with hardwood floors it echos. But, I was finally ready. Putting down my last dog was horrendous and then within the year I had both a fire and burglary so wasn't in a good position to think about anything.

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