Rabbit's Comments

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At 8:41pm on September 14, 2008, Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt said…
Thanks for the welcome! Rabbit is absolutely adorable! I love the first kayak ride photo. Looks like a lot of fun!
At 6:39pm on September 10, 2008, ArchaicLion said…
Actually I do live in Tupelo.
At 8:52pm on September 9, 2008, ArchaicLion said…
Wow your puppy is adorable.
At 8:51pm on September 9, 2008, ArchaicLion said…
haven't seen one with so little white either. He has less than his siblings. His mother looks alot like him, but she has more white on her chest. I can try to get a pic of her to post sometime soon. His father has passed, a few months back (accident with a stray pit), so I can see if there are any that were taken I could load as well.
At 9:24pm on September 8, 2008, pat and mike said…
Hi Rabbit. No biting - Trudy is a lover, not a biter. Thanks.
At 10:31pm on September 6, 2008, Carmen said…
I'm trying to remember what Pan looked like at that age. She's a fluff. I do love the freckles. They are too cute!
At 8:38pm on September 6, 2008, Carmen said…
Rabbit is too cute! I love that cute little corgi face. He definitely could be a fluffy, but I don't think he'll be too fluffy.
At 1:30am on August 29, 2008, Sybil said…
You sure are cute! Piedmont-we're neighbors!
At 4:11pm on August 25, 2008, Cheryl said…
Since he is so smart maybe you should name him Einstein! LOL... I love the pics of the Corgi Wrasslin!
At 10:35am on August 25, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
Haha your welcome! I found myself pretty much dogsitting and meeting other dogs at the game (so you don't really have to be a baseball fan to get into it!). Lol. Wow! Bailey's never been on a plane, but at least when they're that young, you can take them carry-on right? I would feel bad traveling with Bailey now on a plane, since he'd have to go in cargo. Poor pets down there!.

Have a great week now! Hope to see you guys at a meetup eventually!

At 6:20pm on August 24, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
are u in piedmont?!?! i searched on a map to see where pledmont is, and i cant locate it!! ?!?
At 6:17pm on August 24, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
I see your in california! not sure where pledmont is - norcal or socal? and and.. im betting you the Dodgers / Angels or even San Diego's ballparks have a dog days of summer event too! =P
At 6:16pm on August 24, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
hahah i snuck him in a gym bag!!! just kidding!!!

Every year, the local Major League Baseball people set aside one game a year where u can take your dogs! It's been going on for 10+ years, but this was our first one! Going to make it a tradition! Anyways, they had volunteers with jugs of water to refill free bowls they gave out, and we were segregated to the bleacher section of the stadium so cleanup would be controlled. =P We had a blast! I know other teams do it too besides the SF Giants, for instance the team across the bay, the Oakland A's - has a dog days of summer event too! It's great!
At 5:07pm on August 24, 2008, Justin Nelson said…
You got it.
At 12:49pm on August 24, 2008, Katie & Lola said…
Thanks for the comment! Your corgi's ears are the cutest things ever. they're HUGE. i love it!
At 12:26am on August 24, 2008, Justin Nelson said…
Cool! sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Benny is keeping me busy. How is your baby? She is definitly his littermate, I have some of the same photos from Kim and Peggy. When the kids are old enough we should set up a puppy play date.
At 6:52pm on August 23, 2008, Amanda Poon said…
Even though he's older, I still have to say the "don't"s and the "no"s. He'll put anything in his mouth... It seems like Cow is constantly changing too. But I think it's mostly that he's settling in with us and starting to show his mischievousness.

Hooray for other animal names!
At 2:12pm on August 23, 2008, Mary Phoenix said…
Your little Rabbit is positively adorable! No special preparation is needed to take her kayaking. As long as you have her wear a life jacket you are set. The main reason for the jacket is that there is a handle on the top! You can easily lift your dog into the boat from shore or from the water should she slip. This works really well. Have fun! I live in Sonora. Let me know if you want to get together for a trip :-)
At 11:42am on August 23, 2008, Susan and Jack said…
Hello Rabbit! Congratulations on your new family member -- adorable she is! I used to live in the Bay Area myself. Love it, miss it every single day, can't afford it, have had to force myself to accept the fact, so here I am in Florida. Not a bad place to hang my hat, don't get me wrong, but not a day passes that I don't see myself in California again.

You asked about kayaking with new pup, Rabbit. We took Mia kayaking for the first time in 2007 (shown here in the thumbnail photo). We had rescued Mia only a few months earlier. She was 1.5 years old. She was so excited -- smiling Corgi-ear to Corgi-ear! We bought her a top-quality life preserver made by Ruffwear (about $70 as I recall). It's of KEY importance to have a "grab-handle" on the topside of the life preserver, just in case they fall into the water. We had no training or experience with Mia and kayaking, and we weren't sure if she could swim or not, we had no idea how she'd respond/react, but she loved it! She stood on the deck of Jack's boat trying to get her sealegs, but fell into the water repeatedly. Jack would swiftly grab the handle and bring her onboard again. Momentarily stunned, she quickly shook it off, showering Jack in the process, and tried again to balance. The deck was wet and slippery, of course, so Jack secured a t-shirt under some bungy cords on the deck to help her with traction. That helped her get her sealegs for the first time! Now, we have a special mat for her to stand on, so she's confident and proud, seldom falls into the water anymore.

As Rabbit is a baby, I'd suggest taking more cautious steps to ensure a good experience from the start, i.e. take a small bed/soft cushion of sorts to put in the cockpit so she can be comfortable and stable inside your boat, rest it between your outstretched legs, along with a life preserver that fits little ones. Let her get used to the movement of the boat, the water, while having the security of being close to you. (I used to do this for my elderly dachshund, Chloe, whom we lost sadly in Dec. 2006. We didn't want to leave her at home, so she came along for the ride.) Then, after Rabbit has a bit of experience in the boat, you may want to stand her on the deck while idling in the water, your hands free of the oars, so you can support and balance her. I think it would be best to protect her from falling as she's so young -- experiencing the shock of the water too soon -- for fear it would frighten her into hating the water. I've only taken my dogs in calm water, by the way. I don't take them out in the open ocean, only the peaceful marshlands where the water is perfectly calm.

Good luck and have fun! I'm looking forward to hearing more about Rabbit and her adventures.
At 6:51am on August 23, 2008, Florence said…
Hello little Rabbit !
You look like Nana when she was a pup !
Thank you to add us in your friend list !

From Florence, Nana, and Uyanga in Japan.

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