Marion and Vern's Comments

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At 10:10pm on September 23, 2010, Priscilla Fernandez said…
Hi there! Your new baby is soooooo adorable! Congradulations! I hope Sami is adapting well to the new pup, and not too jealous! Quixote is doing well, she just got back from her first vacation to oregon and washington, and loved it. She got to run for acres and acres which she doenst get to do much her in Los Angeles. I love the name by the way, B2 Bomber, thats the bat plane isnt it? My father worked on that plane : )
At 1:23am on September 20, 2010, danni brunner gave Marion and Vern a gift
rrrrrrooooo, rrrrroooooo, good day to you
At 10:56pm on September 19, 2010, WhiteDove gave Marion and Vern a gift
Have a wonderful week. . . .
At 10:55pm on September 19, 2010, WhiteDove said…
They truly are a joy. . . .
At 12:51pm on September 19, 2010, Teresa Kannard said…
So cute! Congratulations!
At 12:27pm on September 19, 2010, Tina Beranda said…
I am so happy for you.He is so adorable, cute from head to toe.You will have so much fun with your beautiful dogs.Congratulations !!!
At 6:55am on September 19, 2010, WhiteDove said…
OMG Bomber is precious. . .congrats on your new fur-baby. . . .
At 12:01am on September 19, 2010, NJohnson said…
Bomber!!! Oh man, those ears, those eyes, those fuzzy little legs! I'm in love. :)
At 11:36pm on September 18, 2010, corgigirl said…
awwwww--is he a cutie!!!!!!
At 10:55pm on September 18, 2010, Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver said…
Congrats on your newest baby he is very cute!!
At 2:26am on August 30, 2010, Jessenia said…
Hey thanks for the welcome! Knight is 8 months old, I hope I can get pics up soon =]
At 9:44am on August 27, 2010, Tammy Shreve said…
Thank you for welcoming us and our clan to the community. And when I am off on sunday I will start to add our pics of our addorable clan
At 9:43pm on August 26, 2010, Robyn said…
haha heck i would spin if my hubby gave me chocolate every time lol.
if only he was clicker trained haha one day i guess. i'm only 22 & he is only 25 so i have a long ways before he starts saying "yes, dear" lol
haha thanks, they love treats. i'm trying to teach lowlow to stay calm when new people r around.....that is proving to be difficult
At 6:28pm on August 26, 2010, Marion Hebert said…
You know, I went a long time with grey hair.....I really did not mind it....and then one day my granddaughter was visitng and decided she would color her hair....She was around 11 years old and I was just sure her Mom would nix the idea....but she didn' the grandma (me) said great I would color my hair also....What did I have to lose....So that started the habit....but lately, I, like you have been thinking that is just too much trouble and grey really did not look all the bad. So I think that I am getting due for a good haircut and will let the grey look return,. Time to feed and walk the I had better get started on that....Thanks for the birthday wishes.
At 6:21pm on August 26, 2010, Kim and Cooper Espejo said…
Hi Marion and Vern,

Thank you - we are SO excited! Your Samantha is lovely - I think Cooper may end up having her coloring. Wow - 3,000 miles beats the 200 miles we drove to pick Cooper out (and will have to drive back up in three weeks). Where is your breeder? By the way, I have several cousins living in Albuquerque - I LOVE that city!
At 5:18pm on August 26, 2010, Robyn said…
haha, yes i am well trained.....something my husband could never do lol
i also taught lowlow "speak" yesterday
At 4:26pm on August 26, 2010, Marion Hebert said…
You like memory lapses, wrinkles, cost of new cremes to make them go away...droopy eyelids, thinning hair, loss of muscle tone, shopping for clothes and wondering why you can't wear what the young girls can, and on and on. Well, I guess I am with you....because I like the independence and the time I can sit in the sun room and read a book....take the dogs for a trip in the middle of the day....color the grey in my hair (nope I don't like that one).....go out to lunch with friends and not have to jockey lunch into a work schedule.....OK here is the shocker.....I am going to be 70 in September....not 50.....just wishful thinking....oh where has the time gone.....remember what I said about memory lapses. Take your time growing have a lot of it ahead of you. Enjoy..
At 10:02pm on August 25, 2010, Marion Hebert said…
Goodness Gracious.....I am so excited for you and your new boy I can hardly stand it. I have really been fighting the urge to add a new puppy to our much as I would love to have a baby around the house....I have to remember that they need shots, food, regular checkups, toys and lots of attention....That's not too bad, but still is worth considering.....So I haven't made the move yet....Maybe I can just enjoy your news about Bomber. By-the-way....congratulations on your birthday.......I will be 50 in September.
At 3:28pm on August 25, 2010, Jacqualyn Sequeira said…
I do not have a breeder yet, I love Pembroke corgis. I'm pretty excited to be here with so many Corgi lovers
At 8:09pm on August 24, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Sami is such a sweetie, and with Bomber coming home to you all, you'll have an unstoppable team of cute-ness. I understand how you feel, making a long trip to pick him up, but we both know it's totally worth it! I made the trip twice to Minnesota to adopt from Jane, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! There's just something so special about corgis. I have been sick in bed for the past few days, and the pictures of your Sami really cheered me up. She has a great smile, and a such a personality that shines through in her photos. Sounds like we were both blessed with the love of a black headed tri-color. Thanks for being our friend!!

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