Disraeli ears's Comments

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At 11:42am on December 18, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Got your great card on Friday of last week. The card was priceless. It's my favorite so far. Thanks for being my "secret card santa".

C2BC great wishes for a happy holiday season. Hope that your heart is slowly starting to heal. I can only hope that I could be strong enough if circumstances warrant. Give Andy lots of kisses and hugs and throw in a belly scritch from her friend on the "left" coast, among the tall trees.

Sylvia and Timmy
At 11:39pm on December 13, 2008, Dakota said…
Dakota and I live in the Kingstown area of Alexandria....just down the road from The Springfield Metro.
At 7:52pm on December 11, 2008, Norma said…
Hi! I joined not too long ago and didn't even know that there were such clubs/events. I would love to socialize Maizy, a little more, so if you even hear of a meet, let me know.

Both of you babies are beautiful! It's sad about Rhys, my deepest condolences! These little guys and girls just find a way into our hearts and it is so difficult when we have to let them go! ((many hugs))
At 5:52pm on December 8, 2008, Trenton and Denise said…
Thank you very much she is a pride and joy. Yours are very nice also. Sorry to hear about Rhys. Must have been the hardest decision ever. Have a great one and Malibu sleeps between my wife and I to keep warm. The cutest thing ever.
At 9:05pm on December 7, 2008, Duchess said…
Thanks for asking me to be your friend!
At 3:40pm on December 5, 2008, George V said…
We have seen a few that we liked but decided to hold off until Fall of 2009 before getting one. We will be going away a bit next summer and figured it would not be fair to the puppy since she would not be able to go with us. Fortunately there are still three PWC in the family and we also have a Golden so we are around them all the time. But we do miss having the Corgi around telling us the proper way to do everything in the house all the time.
At 3:51pm on December 4, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
I'm so sorry you had to make such a tough decision about Rhys, but you are an incredibly responsible owner for doing so.
Thanks for the comment about Ziggy! Andy is such a precious girl. The pre-Corgi dog in my pics is a Pharoah Hound, good call!
At 8:33pm on December 3, 2008, ZdogZ said…
Hey, girl! Good to hear from you. I've been worried about you and Andy. It will get a little easier with each day. I remember when I had to help Kalli to the bridge. It was so hard. I still get choked up at times but I can also think of the good times and smile, too. Just hang in there. Maybe I'll take Zip to Angelo on the 22nd to meet Tess for a b-day celebration at Henry's! I did check out her page a few days ago. She looks good for 13! Give Andy hugs and kisses from the Z's!
At 7:09pm on December 3, 2008, D46 said…
Hi, Tana-Yes I heard about Rhys but didn't know how to reach you since I can't get on C2BC anymore. I never even thought about Dogster for some reason. My heartfelt condolences to you for your tragic loss. I know your heart was broken. I would be incensed at that breeder for not being more selective in her breeding. that is so unlike Corgis and I was totally amazed as I've never seen an aggressive Corgi(except females when they were breeding and both not spayed). Bubba's breeder had two females and believe it or not, a male jump one of her girls she had just put in the kennel area with them. they attacked her and killed her. They were subsequently gotten rid of but, I was shocked they could be that aggressive.
At 7:33pm on November 13, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
At 11:00am on November 10, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
At 6:56pm on November 9, 2008, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 5:09pm on November 9, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
Welcome, so glad you could join us!

At 3:37pm on November 9, 2008, Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too! said…
No worries, we ended up not going, the lil one had a bit of an upset stomach,... we think he was given a treat at puppy class he wasn't used to, hot dog maybe,... but next weekend could be a possibility. How are the dog parks in VA?
At 11:55am on November 9, 2008, Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too! said…
We both grew up in the Galleria/Memorial area. We went to Texas A&M for undergrad.

We were thinking about going to a dog park this afternoon, there is one in DC, in Glover Park. We've never been, but it looks like it's in the middle, between Bethesda and Alexandria. I left a comment for Triley's parents too. Let me know if you are interested.
At 10:19am on November 9, 2008, Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too! said…
Hey there! My husband and I are originally from Houston too! We've been in the DC area for 4 years. We just brought home Caden in Sept and he just got his rabies, so he is ready for his first dog park visit. We need to plan a meet-up. Welcome to the site!
At 8:32am on November 9, 2008, Nancy, Curtis and Triley said…
We are moving to Old Town in less than a month! Virginia corgis unite!
At 8:51pm on November 8, 2008, Kathy and Jillie said…
Welcome Rhys and Andy! Jillie says hi!
At 8:46pm on November 8, 2008, Gail's Lil' Gizmo said…
Welcome to the site.. there are alot of really nice people here.. and it is fun.

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