LaVerne & Shirley's Comments

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At 1:53pm on December 10, 2008, Ollie and Dinah said…
Thanks - yes, I'm watching a lot of videos. VERY excited :)
Technically the puppy is a gift for my wife, I'll let her name it - I know she wants to name it Ollie if we end up getting a boy. Being as we'll probably get a girl though, I told her to start brainstorming! The litter is black and white now, but the parents are tri colored.
At 10:12pm on December 6, 2008, John Wolff said…
Thanks, I put 'Racing in the Rain' on hold.
At 3:51pm on December 6, 2008, Sylvia said…
Most all of the heartbarx pups are tri tips as is Samuel. Samuel is actually a very beautiful white blaze tri tip with write front paws and a lot of good red flecking, so he should actually be pretty red along the shoulders and sides as an adult. Or at least that is how Mac is so far turning out as well :) You can also call them and ask. Like I said they are very beautiful and well tempered pups and the "owners/breeders" are very friendly as well. I wish I could do a "study" with them on Corgi Breeding as I want to breed Corgi's when I finally have my own land and house.
At 2:27pm on December 6, 2008, Sylvia said…
My little Sir MacKellen comes to us from the magical land of "HeartBarx Ranch" which can be found online here:
I would suggest no other above them. The family is amazingly wonderful and friendly and allowed me to come visit whenever I wanted *which I started at 3 weeks I was so excited!* Not to mention both the Sire and Dam could be met on spot and were both INCREDIBLY friendly. I have never met a breeder more open to answering any and all questions about the puppies, and parents all their lineage and their health.
As for school here at Central I have been through three majors, on my third still for Public Relations and Advertisement and so far I am LOVING this major. Thank you so much for your compliments on my art! I also do pet portraits for people if you are ever interested!
At 12:08pm on December 6, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi Tracey and Laverne! Thank you for the nice comments on my babies. Laverne is truely gorgeous. I hope she brings you as much joy as my furkids have brought to my family.

Charlie is, as you can see, obsessed with food. Rowdy, our sheltie can even out eat Charlie. Ha, never thought that could be possible. You will find out that corgis can be very manipulative. All they have to do is give you the sad, puppy eyes. They are great dogs but can be a handful. You'll find out. Laverne still has a lot of growing up to do. She will both amaze and exasperate you, in a good way. (most of the time). Good luck! Keep posting pictures.
At 12:29am on December 6, 2008, Simi Corgi Girl said…
Oops..should have read more carefully about your baby's name. Still Laverne is an adorable name. :)
At 12:26am on December 6, 2008, Simi Corgi Girl said…
Laverne & Squiggy are the cutest names! Will the next be named Carmine? :) Love your beautiful Tri's...I've only had one (of 4 so far) and she was "my girl"!!
At 1:55pm on December 5, 2008, John Wolff said…
Wenatchee, huh? I start worrying about rattlesnakes over on the east side in snake season (whenever that is). Also, it's hotter over there; my dogs get hot in the sun above timberline, and start seeking any shade they can find. I look for snow to make a corgicicle. We've done a lot of hiking in the Teanaway R. area, Earl Peak etc. south of the Enchantments, and the Chiwaukums are corgi-friendly terrain. Gwynnie and I climbed Big Jim Mt. in a day once (7700' not bad for 6" legs). The east side is usually our Plan B for when the weather on the west side is normal.

See ya on the trail. This is Gwynnie on Snowgrass Mt on a 3-day trip (she walked 23 mi. the previous day, 8000' elevation gain):

At 1:03pm on December 5, 2008, John Wolff said…
We have two, about 4 years apart. I think Gwynnie is happier with a friend (her nephew Al). They just love killing each other repeatedly in creative ways.

There are compatibility considerations. I don't know what they are -- consult an expert -- but I've heard that 2 bitches sometimes don't get along, and that if the age difference is too great, the older dog, used to being alone, may not accept the new puppy. Do your homework. A good breeder ought to be able to guess compatibility based on Laverne's and the newcomer's personalities.

I've noticed that Al, the male, is more cuddly than Gwynnie, who tolerates physical affection while Al wallows in it; is that characteristic -- males love-hogs, females more dignified??

Another consideration: you may want to give Laverne a year or three to complete her training. In some respects, I have not trained Al as well as Gwynnie because he did not get all the one-on-one attention that she did. He was almost always with Gwynnie. The second dog learns a lot just by copying the older dog, but can miss out on individual attention. Complicated. You might hesitate before putting yourself in the position of training two puppies at once.
At 10:24am on November 24, 2008, Paula Hess said…
Thanks Tracey! I am so very proud of my "pack". We live on a corner and everyone that walks by, stops to give them some love. We call it the petting zoo.
At 10:21am on November 24, 2008, Suzanne said…
Let me know if your dog likes them... Hope it helps the car sickness...
At 12:51am on November 24, 2008, Paula Hess said…
Are you still having nipping (mouthing) issues? Try yipping like a puppy when Laverne nips hard. It worked with our pup. We kinda cheated, we have an Australian Sheperd that taught our pup manners.
At 12:24am on November 23, 2008, A & P said…
Thank you for your kinds words on our Corgis! We just love positive comments as well! Parker and Penelope are our first Corgis and the are really good dogs! Enjoy your beautiful girl! Corgis are the best!
At 5:39pm on November 21, 2008, Suzanne said…
OH NO! I just found they sold the company for the treats that my littlest likes... EEK! He's whinny enough without that!
At 5:27pm on November 21, 2008, Suzanne said…
awww how can you resist that guy!
At 5:25pm on November 21, 2008, Suzanne said…
I love Henry so much at times it scares me. When I get too involved he does something disgusting like roll in something smelly... Silly guy has taught me so much about enjoying life...

You can try these ginger treats from petco.
there's also recipes, but my guys like the but sometimes they're hard to find...
At 4:04pm on November 17, 2008, Erich and Stephanie Miller said…
Thank you very much. We had gotten him from a person who had advertised corgi puppies, with this being her first litter with corgi puppies. They were in Rathdrum, ID. Rowdy was born on Sept 10th. So it looks like your puppy is slightly older than our puppy is. He has not nessisarily hearded us yet. He more grabs hold of our pant legs and starts tugging. I guess he does not like us going anywhere. lol. However he is going to be a big boy. His dad was on the large side by Corgi standards, however he is still 100% corgi. Thanks again for your comment.
At 5:13pm on November 12, 2008, BENZO and QUEENIE said…
Your baby corgi is so cute! I know! Wish you guys were our neighbors so they can play. My husband and I want to get another baby corgi. Hopefully soon! benzo needs company! Take care!
At 11:43am on November 12, 2008, Jamie Jo said…
Laverne is beautiful too! My husband had cats named Laverne and Shirley :) My story is a lot like yours; I went to petco in Olympia and I saw a corgi for the first time. I went home and started searching for one. I called a breeder in Spokane and he told me to bring my husband, because chances are that we would leave with two! Sure enough we went home with two loveable tris in a laundry basket in the back seat of my car :) I am hoping to get a redhead male for Christmas so they have lots of beautiful babies!
At 3:29pm on November 11, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Thank You for the wonderful compliment on Lance! Laverne is absolutely adorable, how fun it is raising corgi pups and dogs!

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