Kristen's Comments

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At 8:08pm on January 22, 2008, Kristen said…
I love Jacks! Seems like a good combo with a Cogi. Tell mom she should post a picture of the Minnie Jack as well!
At 12:29pm on January 22, 2008, Kristen said…
She was having such a good time. Hard to be mad at such a happy dog! You are right they are tricky little furballs. Too smart sometimes. We can learn from their attitude. You can take life seriously all the time! She is beautiful BTW. I just love Fluffies.
At 12:14am on January 22, 2008, sandra said…
thanks for commenting on the vid of kaley corgi....if she only knew how famous she was that .......lil over a minute!

did you see her jump at one pt...odd, cute
and how she came to me.....when i said down...

i went to leash her calmly, for she could be teasing me again.....never can trust a corgi!

btw, check this out, i started a social site, similar to this, but not only for corgis pups or owners, but the love of dogs and to talk bout ourselves too....

it started with my love of dogs...even if i only have a corgi
and now there is

hope to see you there.

smiles : )
At 8:45pm on January 21, 2008, Kristen said…
I'm enjoying MyCorgi and I know that I will continue to visit GoCorgi as well. MyCorgi is like a small town--GoCorgi is the city. They function so differently. There are worse things than being "crazy about my dog" people, but I do wonder if I am dangerously close to crossing the line!lol--The dogs don't mind.
At 8:18pm on January 21, 2008, Charlie said…
I came over to MyCorgi when GoCorgi went offline from a hacker getting through their security. Now that GoCorgi is back online, I'm hooked on both boards! I'm all wrapped up in the stories of many, many Corgi owners. LOL I'm becoming one of those "crazy about my dog" people. Oh, the horrors! :)
At 12:41pm on January 21, 2008, Charlie said…
Oops! On GoCorgi - I meant your 'Greetings from Nebraska' post, not 'Introducing Fergie'...that's another Fergie! Too hard to keep up with two forums. LOL
At 12:34pm on January 21, 2008, Charlie said…
I guess it would be hard to find one food that's best for five different animals! I tried to feed 3 cats on 2 different diets several years ago, but couldn't keep the obese cat (26 lbs) out of the regular food, or the "regular" cats out of the low-calorie food. At least dogs are easier to feed separately since they usually "gobble" instead of "graze". ;)

On GoCorgi, I left a reply on your 'Introducing Fergie' post. My username there is MyPemCharlie.
At 10:15am on January 21, 2008, Charlie said…
I can imagine that life would be much simpler with one food versus five! :) I bought the small 5 lb bag first, just to make sure Charlie liked the taste and didn't have any loose poop, gas or other reactions to it. Looks like it's going to work well for us.

I left you a note on GoCorgi this morning too! :)
At 1:09am on January 21, 2008, Miss Jane said…
Yeah he is doing better today! I can't quite take him to school yet as he has to get a little older and get all his's a good learning process for me and him. Thank you for the support! :)
At 9:31pm on January 20, 2008, Charlie said…
I'm glad that Fergie is feeling better. I can just imagine how relieved you must be!

I changed Charlie to Canidae brand All Life Stages. He enjoys it and has gained a pound since I changed foods. He's still just 21 pounds. He and Fergie are just about the same size. :)
At 7:05pm on January 20, 2008, Ras987 said…
Thank you!!! We are very excited... i think i am to over protective though! Need to relax a little bit~ right now every where she is; I am!
Thanks for the welcome!
At 12:49am on January 20, 2008, BENZO and QUEENIE said…
I hope Fergie will be ok. I remember what the vet told me about corgis. She informed us that we should be careful when Benzo is trying to jump from high places. Get well soon to Fergie.
At 9:22pm on January 19, 2008, BENZO and QUEENIE said…
Thank you. He is only 3 months old. He is so energetic though. He is our first dog and that is why are still learning. I was looking at your other pictures and your corgis are so cute! I wish we could get more dogs. The little corgi that you have is so adorable!
At 11:38pm on January 18, 2008, Zed said…
You have beautiful dogs. The new puppy is just too cute.
At 2:15pm on January 17, 2008, Ju Lo said…
Hehe, thanks! I just now posted their 4 week old pictures. Oh believe me, for an engineer, I have pathetic technical skills. If you're referring to my HTML skills, well I'm pretty proud of myself for that one, but if you ask any technical person, they'd think what I did was ridiculously easy. Heh. All I really did was read what someone else told me to do and then translate it to my template's code, which was very similar.

You know, as the puppies are getting bigger, Theodore is losing his lead. He's not my super duper overall favorite as much now. I mean, he's still very cute, just now I think all the puppies have things that are cute about them. It might have been the angle, but Theodore could stand to be a bit studier looking, I guess. We'll see. There's still 4 more weeks! I really like how the breeder has been taking pictures every week. I've rarely seen that with other breeders, so it's crazy how much they're changing, and how much they'll still change in the next 4 weeks. I'm definitely curious how they'll look when I actually go to pick one out.

I like a lot of white too, but you're right about the white area (the blaze, as I've heard it called) getting smaller. Though with this litter, there was very little white to begin with. Fergie has very pretty coloring. I like her white chest. :)
At 7:12pm on January 16, 2008, Avyon said…
Oh the Spy museum would be fantastic for your group :) That's great that you do that for them! I'm sure they love it though I'm sure its a big job for you! I was lucky to have people like you in my life that took me places to experience new things... If I had the chance I would do it with others.. though I already do it to my friends when I travel across the pond lol.

stealing eggs is a great past time for your pups Im sure :) I can just imagine it. Though Im sorry your allergic to the duck eggs :( They're supposed to be healthier for you then chicken eggs now especially if you buy from the store. Are you ever worried about them getting sick from eating them or do you catch them before hand? I know eggs are good for pups but I never thought of raw ones.

VT can be a beautiful place.. its got me hooked I'll tell you that.. though I think I'll be like everyone else and retire there hehe. When your younger its not such a good place unless you like the outdoors (really really like the outdoors.. aka thats all you do) though thats if you want real vermont and not the cities that cater to the poorer tourists. The richer ones tend to go more into the out country into the B&Bs and ski lodges. So basically you have tourist season (winter) followed by mud season (spring) then caterpillar/bee/gnat/fly season (early summer) followed by tourist season (late summer to fall and back to winter) I can't think of another place I would want to retire to though.. its just a different atmosphere and while some of the niceness is put on for tourists most of it is real and I'm sure you know the good small town community feel and I miss that so much.
At 4:34pm on January 16, 2008, Ju Lo said…
Yes, if Fergie's parents have never "thrown" a tri, then most likely Fergie only possesses the Red and White coloring gene. But if one of her parents has a "trifactor, which basically means they have the tri color recessive genes, then it's possible Fergie does too. Basically, if Fergie's mother has a trifactor, but her father doesn't, and they only breed together, then their puppies will always be red and white. However, Fergie could still have a tri if she has a trifactor. So basically, I would just assuming Fergie's puppies will be reds, and you may get surprised. :) At least you'll know that her puppies will have a trifactor (if you breed her with your tri).

For your tri puppy, for him to be a black-headed tri, it means that both parents would have to have the black-headed tri color allele (and even then it would only be a 25% chance). So it sounds like you'll just have to wait and see.

From what I've read, they don't know exactly what sable coloring is. It's definitely a form of red and white (as in, it's not a separate gene or allele or whatever). It sounds like it's most common in corgis that have a red and white dominant gene with a trifactor recessive gene.

Man, coat coloring and genetics I think is interesting to talk about, but also frustrating because there's no way to know what you have unless you get your dog's genome mapped out or something. Heh. So I'll stop boring you on the subject.

I'm sorry to hear about Lizzie's accident. I'm glad she came out of it healthy for the most part. Did you get her spayed? I've read that spaying can greatly reduce the risk of some cancers.
At 10:05pm on January 15, 2008, Ju Lo said…
Do you know if Fergie has tri colored recessive genes? My breeder bred a red and white female with a black headed tri male, but I knew I would only get a red and white puppy because the female doesn't seem to have the genes for having tri colored puppies. The way I understand it, red and white coloring is the most dominant gene, black headed tris are the most recessive (or least dominant) gene, and the red headed tri is more recessive than the red and white, but more dominant than the black headed. Phew! Did I confuse you yet? Hehe. So if Fergie only has the red and white coloring genes, then it doesn't matter what coloring your new puppy is, you're getting red and white. Of course, Basil could still be carrying recessive tri color genes. I don't know how you could tell without having litters. I figure my breeder's female doesn't have the tri colored genes because both her current litter and her past litter only have red and white puppies even though the male is a black headed tri. Hehe. Man, this topic brings me back to my high school biology class!

Well you should definitely put up lots of pictures as your puppy develops so we can see his coloring change before our eyes! :)

By the way, if you want to read up on the genetics, I found this website has lots of detail: I actually found it pretty complex with all the percentages and permutations. I summed it up in a post in my blog, so you could always check that out too. Unfortunately, I don't remember the websites I originally read, which were much more simple and easy to understand. :( Of course, there's always google too. ;)
At 7:45pm on January 15, 2008, Avyon said…
That sounds like a really interesting job actually though I can understand the not liking politics thing!
Mmm.. I miss duck eggs so much! Our college in VT had a working farm completely run by the students and they sold duck eggs for 1$ if you brought in the egg crate *yay recycling* it would be 5$ if you didn't.

Oh goodness. DC is fun to visit but I don't enjoy living here much. I'm a little jealous that you get to live so far out in the country :) and the quiet must be so nice! I hope you do have a great trip here! (though Im guessing it may be work related?) I recommend the spy museum ;)
At 1:02pm on January 15, 2008, Ju Lo said…
Wow, 16 puppies and one tri colored. That's why I never got my hopes up on getting one; well that and because I read up on the genetics of corgi coat coloring, so I knew black headed tri coloring is the most recessive gene. You know, I also read this interesting article once that tried to show the differences between red and black headed tris as puppies. I never quite followed it though, the pictures of both looked the same to me.

Oh, how exciting for you! I think I would have trouble parting with the puppies as well. I'd probably be one of those breeders that's over critical of people and think that no one is good enough for one of my dogs. Ha!

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