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At 12:07am on July 25, 2009, KyraMoonUnique said…
hello new friends :)
At 9:06pm on May 9, 2009, Tamnah D'Angelo said…
Thank you for the warm welcome. The girls and I appreciate it.
You have some fabulous photos and beautiful babies. Aren't they the greatest?!
At 12:52pm on April 22, 2009, sabina said…
thanks....I need the support of all the corgi lovers !!!! kiss
At 6:59am on April 3, 2009, sabina said…
I am happy to be your friend!
At 11:31pm on April 1, 2009, Kim said…
What beautiful corgis and you live in such a magnificent place!
I got to meet Rita Mae and had her autograph my book. I just adore her Mrs, Murphy series! My Tucker is my pride and joy and I'm so lucky he's still with me after his cancer. His birthday is this month and he'll be 8 on the 10th!
At 11:23am on December 26, 2008, RAYLYN WATKINS said…
At 10:03am on December 26, 2008, Butter said…
HI there..sorry i am so late in writing (months I think) I and my husband have been dealing with a lot of health issues and i haven't been so active. Yes, I found Earthbalm (I think that is the name) on PEI and I looked at the hypo allergenic one and there still was an ingredient I wasn't sure about so I emailed the company and I have never heard from them. so I gave up and just use Nature Clean Hypo shampoo for people...the vet said it was ok to use for dogs.
How have you and yours been?

Your pictures of showing the dogs...are they yours. Have you ever found a Cardigan breeder in NS or NB? I would be interested in knowing (just for the future).

I didn't get home to NS for Xmas this year so a bit homesick at times but overall I had a wonderful Xmas here. It was our first one with a dog. What a difference it makes. We gave him so many toys. HE cant' decided which one to play with 1st...it is too funny. Now he is spoiled and keeps sitting on his hind legs to look higher up on the piano (where we put his stocking and bags of gifts). He wants to open toys constantly. So now my husband takes the toys we gave him, rewraps them in tissue paper, puts them in a gift bag and Butter has the fun of reopening them. It makes me laugh!!

How are you doi? Take care, Joy and Butter
At 8:10am on December 26, 2008, Renee said…
Max and I would like to welcome you!
At 1:49am on November 16, 2008, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 11:20pm on October 26, 2008, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 4:59pm on July 16, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks again....have you seen earthbath anywhere around Hfx, we'll be going over at some point. It does sound like something I could use, i'll have to investigate further.

Also, when you have time, can you tell me how to make the homemade oatmeal shampoo, it sounds interesting.

Thanks so much!
At 10:08pm on July 15, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks for the hope!!! I forgot that your dogs weren't Cardigans, so maybe that makes a difference too.
As for grooming, I do it all myself. I can't even go in hair salons without reacting so I am sure I would react at a grooming facility. I was trained by the breeder to cut his nails, file them, clean his ears and we bath him and have 4 brushes for his hair so really I am all set.

If you would tell me more about that line though, that would be great. Right now we are using Nature Clean unscented shampoo for him...made for humans. We are trying to bath as little as possible so that he doesn't develop a skin condition. So far, all the hypoallergenic shampoos for dogs I've seen have essential oils or coconut smell (I can't do either of these). If you have any more advice, please let me know. Thanks again!! I am looking at your pictures as I type and I love your photography and your adorable dogs! Joy
At 6:44pm on July 15, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks...so once they start shedding, how long does it last? One month, 2? I think my husband is starting to regret we got a Corgi because the shedding is so unreal.
At 5:15pm on July 15, 2008, Butter said…
How are you doing? I need some practical help. Butter started what i call extreme shedding about 10 days ago. When will it end. Just today it seems that his mane is now shedding? I furbuster him every day and vacuum 1-2 times a day. I even tried vacuuming him tonight (He wasn't overly crazy about this). Do you know how long this lasts? Also, when does it all start again and end again (I hear they shed twice a year). Would really appreciate some advice from someone in the same weather zone as me. Thanks, hope you are all doing well and had a great holiday! Joy and Butter
At 9:52am on July 1, 2008, Butter said…
Congrats on all the awards; you must be so proud!!!! Hope you all have a Happy Canada Day!!
At 1:10pm on June 30, 2008, TUCKER , SENSEI,AND DAWN said…
we're home from the dogshow in canning,with 2points,2best in breed,2best puppy in breed and best puppy in group.yeeeee-haaaaaaaa!!!congrats Sensei you performed wonderfully,mommy's so proud
At 9:55am on June 27, 2008, Butter said…
Have a wonderful vacation and fun at the dog show! Let me know when you are back and we'll talk some more; we have a lot in common. Joy :)
At 10:59pm on June 25, 2008, Butter said…
PS I definitely consider myself a Bluenoser too and so do the Islanders ( you have to have been born and lived your whole life here to qualify as an Islander, haha but it is the truth). I am happy to be a Nova Scotian
At 10:57pm on June 25, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks for writing. I was born in PEI but lived my whole life in Hfx up until 5 years ago when I married a PEIlander and moved to the Island. I really, really miss NS. My great grandfather was from Lunenburg County. I was wondering where you got your dogs because whereas Buttercup is 9, someday we will be looking for another. It sounds like the breeder in Stewiake (sp?) doesn't breed corgis anymore. Mine is a Cardigan. We have had him for 6 weeks now and love him to death. I would love to have another but couldn't manage with my illness. Besides, Buttercup does better being the centre of attention.
Are there many Corgis in NS? What is your first name?
By the way, I am not a Facebook fan...had an unfortunate experience there, vowed I would never go on a social site again but here I am. Thanks for joining the Healing Group. Are you dealing with something yourself and just there for support, either is fine. Feel free to invite others to join. We are just getting started; I just wrote my story tonight.
Nice to meet you, it is time to go to bed, have a good evening. Joy
At 10:27pm on June 25, 2008, FuzzyButt said…
That's what everyone keeps telling me! I can't wait to get him. I'm even plotting getting a red headed tri, and naming it either Zen, Kahuna, or Lei.

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