Colleen's Comments

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At 9:29am on May 12, 2009, Ana & Taco said…
Happy Birthday to Beckett!!!!
At 11:14pm on April 14, 2009, Ana & Taco said…
Yeah, I'm thinking of organizing a meet-up around the 3rd week of May. I still can't decide though if it should be in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Most of the corgis I know are obviously in bklyn... What's easier for you guys?
At 9:28am on February 25, 2009, Ana & Taco said…
We'd love to see you guys here again! Yes, definitely when the weather warms up. Maybe in a couple of weeks? Love your new pictures. In some of them, I was sure I was looking at Taco. They are carbon copies of each other!
At 5:11pm on February 18, 2009, Susan Stanton said…
Such a cutie, makes me want another puppy! Corgis are definitely the most adorable pups. My Ethel is just over a year, and someone gave her the same hedgehog toy as a b-day present -- but our hedgehog is now just a scrap of material. Both of my guys think it is imperative to remove squeakers and stuffing from all toys as quickly as possible.
At 3:58pm on February 18, 2009, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Beckett's really cute! He has a sweet corgi face and I love his hedgehog toy! He looks like a little fox in some of those pictures!
At 7:48pm on December 16, 2008, Ana & Taco said…
All's good. After spending Thanksgiving week with relatives he got a little chunky. hehehe... How's Beckett doing?
At 4:43pm on September 24, 2008, Bonny said…
Hey Colleen, I'd come to your meet-up if I were still on LI...we lived in Southold, out on the north fork. Loved it. Beckett's a doll, what great pics you have of him...our boys are nearly the same age (Elvis was born 4-30). They're so fun!
At 2:36pm on September 17, 2008, Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva! said…
Beckett looks so sweet and innocent!
At 5:45pm on August 20, 2008, Sam & Shelby said…
Beckett is so cute!
At 5:09pm on August 20, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
welcome! Beckett is adorable!!!!
At 9:16pm on August 19, 2008, Jessica said…
Your pup is so cute!
At 2:06pm on August 19, 2008, Tama said…
Thanks! I see you have a little cutie too
At 5:16pm on August 1, 2008, Lexi said…
what a cutie!
At 3:39pm on August 1, 2008, Katelyn said…
At 12:53am on August 1, 2008, kathy said…
hi colleen :) we'd love to get together some time to play! We usually hang out in the cunningham dog run, familiar with it? It's close to LI...umm 193rd street and union turnpike? let us know when you can play!
At 2:29pm on July 31, 2008, Andrea said…
What a sweetie pie! Welcome and long life to Beckett - love, Willis.
At 7:14pm on July 28, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Colleen, Beckett and family!
At 5:08pm on July 25, 2008, Kristen said…
Welcome Colleen and Beckett. what a doll.
At 10:41am on July 25, 2008, Juel said…
Welcome! What an adorable face!

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