Penny spencer's Comments

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At 3:47pm on May 8, 2008, Kristen said…
Penny good to hear from you. Brodie is getting big. I need to take some photos and post them. He is at that awkward stage and it looks like all the pieces aren't fitting together right! We just went throught the HTWM testing. It was pretty traumatic for Fergie, they kept missing her little vein, but we came through it all ok. She didn't even notice the big needle from the Microchip! Took Brodie and Fergi in together and when I left I was over $300 poorer. Ouch.

Good luck with the Job search--going back into floral design or looking for something different?

Nice and green here too. I still haven't put a thing in the ground, but I still feel better seeing the hostas coming up. Brodie seems to enjoy pulling the heads off the star tulips. Little stinker! I was out of town since Saturday. Brodie tailed me everyminute I was home yesterday and this morning. He is such a little charmer.

My oldest is home for a while so I will have both of my girls home. Last year Emily was still in Kentucky. I was pretty pouty about it! I've always wanted to visit Mackina Island--someday I will. Happy Mother's Day and happy planting!You will have to post a few of your garden pictures.

took my youngest in for a CT Scan this morning, she had a collision at the Conference Tournament and it knocked her out and she suffered a concussion,which of course she didn't tell me about. "Mom, I didn't want to worry you", she said! Arrg! Went to the Dr. had the scan and everything is fine and I feel better! She thinks I over reacted.

Take care!
At 2:34pm on April 24, 2008, Kristen said…
Good to hear from you. The vet experience sounds terrible. I feel for you. We try to do what is right, and the furry little kids just don't understand and we can't make them understand no matter what we do. Nice treat going to DQ though! It would be nice to have the vet make a house call maybe avoid some of the trauma for everyone. I hope the aggression stays under control, but you can only do so much. I wonder if there is an anti-testoterone supplement--probably not--what male doctor would ever research such a subject :o) I can understand the draining part. You have vested so much of yourself and one can only guess at the future. We have a vet appt. next week. Hopefully uneventful.

Weather here was very nice that last couple of days. Took a couple of days away from the office to head to my youngest daughters (Sarah) last two home games of the college season--she plays shortstop on the Wayne State Softbal team. Took the Corgis along. They were exhausted each day, but loved the attention. Hard to be at work today.
At 12:42am on April 13, 2008, Kona said…
Oh, and one more note, I really admire what you are doing for Roscoe.
At 12:37am on April 13, 2008, Kona said…
Roscoe has to be the cutest tri corgi i have seen in a long time. Ive been wanting to get a tri just like Roscoe so bad... I love the name Roscoe also. good luck with Roscoe and penny.
At 10:33pm on April 12, 2008, Kristen said…
Funny what you said about needing a baby. I think that is how I feel. One daughter engaged and another is a freshman in college. I don't like the empty nest much. Probably the reason why I have a 16 week old puppy and a 10 month old puppy! Don't envy my life...Work is just time away from the things that are really important. I wish I didn't need a paycheck! My heartstrings were tugged when that notice was posted. I emailed them to offer assistance, but never heard back. I'm sure they were very busy. Both girls were home this weekend. It has been nice.--Kristen
At 9:54am on April 12, 2008, penny spencer said…
At 2:05pm on April 11, 2008, Kristen said…
Penny, just checking in. Hope things are going well for you and the "pack". It is April 11 and it snowed today. I've had it! My tulips are coming up, but nothing has bloomed. Spring is teasing, but it just won't get warm! Brodie is at the office with me so he can stop by the vet later and get weighed. I'm taking him to the Capitol for some visiting in a few minutes. All the best--Kristen
At 1:38am on April 1, 2008, nwcorgifan said…
I get my new boy in two weeks. I've never had two corgis; so I'm excited, but also a little nervous. It just seems like it's the right time for a second dog; and I think Tuck will like having a buddy around. I'll be sure to post pictures when I get him.
At 2:49am on March 31, 2008, nwcorgifan said…
I find myself drawn to Roscoe's pictures every time I come on And I cry every time I look at them. He looks like such a sweet boy. It's an amazing kindness you are doing to give him what is clearly the best life he could possibly have. God bless you.
At 3:06pm on March 28, 2008, Kristen said…
Again, you are not bothering me! sounds like you are doing the right thing. Sometimes the treatments only prolong suffering. Chemotherapy is hard for a dog. She has had a good life with you and your family--something I'm not sure she would have without you. Sad that the previous owner couldn't be bothered with trying to understand what is going on.
Sorry about the last blizzard. I don't think I can handle more snow right now. About the horses, I always wanted horses when I was a I foolishly bought a horse for my daugters when they were younger...not something we could really afford at the time, but we did it anyway. Now my oldest daughter is a jockey...I think I made a terrible mistake! We have three full sized horses a mini horse and a mini donkey. It is a bit of a zoo and our disposable income is finished out in horse apples! I enjoy our conversations. It seems we have a lot in common. At 45 I feel like an old timer on this site. Nice to know I have a peer! Take care and all the best! At least when it snows in March we know it won't last long!
At 2:07pm on March 28, 2008, penny spencer said…
Hi Kristen. We had a blizzard here last night another 3 inches! Oh well.
The mud is covered for now anyway. If I had horses, even one (my lifelong dream) I'd be out no matter what! Lucky you. Anyway, Cushings Disease is caused by tumor of adrenal gland. The treatment is oral chemotherapy which if not exactly prescribed per dog's weight, etc. can lead to another fatal condition. The drugs are $80 a month! Again, we no guarantee she'd be worse off, we just decided to let natute take it's course. She has a VERY large potbelly and has lost most of the hair on that lovely Akita tail (now we call it her rat tail). She can't seem to get enough to eat or drink, but eventually, the opposite will happen. My aunt had a Boston Terrier with Cushings. It lasted a few years before he died. Apparently, the vet said it is fairly common and humans can have it as well. Also, before we took her in she was mistreated and has be-be's in her back from being shot at. The owner's husband (she went into a shelter) threatened to kill the dog! She probably does have a lot of emotional baggage, but we've had her 4 years. You think she'd feel safe and secure now, but we really don't understand what they feel do we? You and your family take care. Thanks again!
At 3:06pm on March 27, 2008, Kristen said…
Don't worry you are not boring me. You have so many challenges with your babies--feel free to share frustrations whenever necessary! I admire you for sticking with them. It sounds like they need you. Makes you wonder what is going on in Penny's head. Does Cushing's Disease cause stress reactions? Is Penny on medications too? Our lab/golden cross is afraid of loud noices and chewed through our front screen door when she heard thunder to get in the house. She had silver teeth. from the aluminum. Blood was everywhere and before I realized what had happened I was scared to death. I replaced the door and she has since attempted to eat through that as well. I now always leave her in the house when we are gone. She is 14 now and has lost her hearing so the loud noises don't get to her much now. She has cancer, but is doing very well. At 14 she has lived a very long life for her breed already.
I know what you mean about the dirt road. We have four miles of gravel off the highway and it looks terrible around our place right now. I don't know what color my car is actually supposed to be! lol. The horse pens are disgusting. My girls (19, 21) however, can't imagine living anywhere but in a rural area.
I do see some iris leaves peaking out from the mulch and even a few tulip leaves, but like you we had a little flurry of snow this morning and it has been dark and gray.--All the best--Kristen
At 2:17pm on March 27, 2008, CaptainCorgi said…
Oh gosh, your little baby is adorable! I'm glad he's living a good life with you despite his condition. I love your Akita as well, I'm a big fan of both, corgis and akitas. <3 Very cute pups,
At 6:18pm on March 26, 2008, Kristen said…
Love the pictures you put up of Roscoe. He is just so cute.Penny is a doll as well I started raking the yard and planning what I am going to do with the garden... I'll bet you are doing the same!
At 10:47pm on March 25, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
panda butt haha! =P Roscoe's such a handsome fella! I hope he lives a long and happpy life despite his condition. Shows how great of a mommy you are that he's survived for so long. =)
At 9:57pm on March 24, 2008, nwcorgifan said…
My girl's name is Tuck, because I got her in Kentucky.
At 10:50am on March 23, 2008, nwcorgifan said…
God bless you for working so hard to give little Roscoe a good life.
At 10:35am on March 21, 2008, penny spencer said…
Hi Dax and family. Thanks. I'm no saint..he he. But I love my critters too much. Wish we could visit too. Happy Easter!
At 11:51am on March 18, 2008, penny spencer said…
Hi again. Thanks for reply back. I know exactly where Whitmore Lake is. We did take him to Commerce. It was a very longgggg 8 hour day there, very tense. We're pretty much on our own now
with our vet in Clarkston. Roscoe does okay but the steroid he takes makes him pee ALL day long
and he can't be housetrained! No matter, he's a joy. Take care.
At 11:40pm on March 17, 2008, irischickster said…
Hi Penny. We are in Whitmore Lake, near Brighton. It's good to hear from another Michigan corgi lover. Roscoe is really cute, sounds like he is right where he needs to be. Are you taking him to the Animal Neurology in Commerce Twp? We had taken our Ki there and they were really great. They are really caring with the dog and the Mom. Good luck with Roscoe.

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