Furpants McGee's Comments

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At 12:11am on July 29, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Abbey is so cute, love the picture of her looking at herself in the mirror, sooooooooo cute!
At 9:19pm on July 28, 2008, Butter said…
Just wondering how you are doing?
At 7:59pm on July 26, 2008, Butter said…
I'm sorry to hear that. The first year can be really difficult; marriage is like a mirror that doesn't just show our pretty sides. Now another stressor (although positive) has been added into the mix...I think it is normal to have an adjustment period. It will get better. I have talked to other couples who said that the 1st year was REALLY difficult. Hang in there. Joy
At 9:42pm on July 25, 2008, Butter said…
Just saw your new wedding video...even better, got to really see your dress and you..both are so beautiful!! Cool coloursédecorating on that wedding cake!
At 4:03pm on July 24, 2008, Juel said…
Her Sweater is BEAUTIFUL! Every girl needs accesories! haha! Besides if he doesn't pick up poop he has no say! The week after my boyfreiend got his german shepard puppy he broke and dislocated his ankle, the length men go to get out of things!
At 3:46pm on July 24, 2008, Juel said…
She is getting bigger by the day!
At 3:36pm on July 24, 2008, Juel said…
What a great Story! Men think they're SOO Tough! (untill they see a pair of pretty eyes) HAHA If you figure out how to train yours to clean up please give me the instructions! Hehehe Hope your day is going well!
At 2:30pm on July 24, 2008, Juel said…
So glad to hear the family is bonding well! How tolerant your Kitties must be! I have to admit it is hard not to have the proud Auntie feeling! I am doing well although I have been busy with work. on top of all the fires the flu is floating around the office. I am drinking OJ like crazy. It won't take me down! All those puppy kisses must be heaven! Have a good day!
At 8:44pm on July 23, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
I've been reading and noticed that everyone is getting along and even Mr. Grumpy will probably tolerate her eventually. It really is hard to leave them in the mornings, isn't it. Bet you can't wait for the weekends! The videos are great and it's so cute to see Abby playing with the kitties. have you signed her up for a puppy class?
At 7:28pm on July 22, 2008, Banjo and Starbuck said…
Cutest cardi ever!!! Congrats on finally getting her. It looks like she was more than worth the wait. Just holler if you need any puppy advice, and HAVE FUN!
At 1:27pm on July 22, 2008, Juel said…
Your pictures are so CUTE! so glad that all of you are in doggy heaven! CONGRATS!
At 6:11pm on July 21, 2008, Geri & Sidney said…
She's so cute! How old is she? I love her markings and her dear sweet face.
At 1:33pm on July 21, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
OH MY GOSH! She looks so beautiful now that she's in her forever home. Let the Abby puppy "games" begin!!!!!!! The pictures in the park look great and your husband seems to enjoy the kisses. Did she get you guys up early after her stress filled day? In the picture in the car she looks kind of bewildered, poor thing. As you know by now, she's not a runt anymore!

I'm sorry that the weather was really cool and wet when you came up, but sometimes in the summer we get days when we don't see the sun. Abby must be enjoying the warmer temps. Did Steve give you all kinds of instructions? He's such a worry wart, about his dogs. I really want to know how she handled the plane flight and if anyone gave you any hassles, or if you got to share her with the other passengers? I gathered by looking at the pictures that you didn't have a problem with the rental car. I didn't think you would, we're pretty laid back and easy up here.

Well, I'll be on watch for lots more pictures and reports on Abby's puppy "games". Remember that we're all here to help if any problems or questions come up. (Talk about a community raising a puppy!). Welcome Leslie and Jake to Corgiville!
At 1:20pm on July 21, 2008, Butter said…
Oh my soul....she is adorable!!!! I love the new pics. She is bigger than I thought; about how much does she weigh now? Congratulations!!!
At 12:55pm on July 21, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Hey she's here! What a cutie :) Congrats!
At 8:05am on July 21, 2008, Butter said…
wow, it sounds like everything is going really well, very quickly!! that is great!! Abby is soooo pretty.
At 9:20pm on July 20, 2008, Butter said…
how is she being looked after when you are at work? Is your husband off sick? I hope he is doing ok....you must be tired! 4:00 am...hmmm...that is why we didn't get a puppy, however, I was up at 6:00am which is too early for me, trying to get Butter to pee in the yard...he loves nature and most of the time would sit and listen to birds. The neighbours must be tired of me screaming, Pee Buster Pee, so I can take him in and try to get back to sleep. Oh, a nature girl I am not, especially that early..!
At 8:34am on July 20, 2008, Butter said…
Just checking in to see if you had the energy to start posting pics. I imagine not!! Hope everything is going well and that you are having lots of fun. Take care, Joy and Baby Butter
At 4:59pm on July 19, 2008, Juel said…
I know that you are here, getting Abby but I wanted to send a note. I am here at work and have thought about you and how excited you must be! I can imagine you plopped on the floor getting lots of puppy kisses! Any way hope you are having a blast and talk to you later!
At 1:31pm on July 19, 2008, Maggie May said…
Abby is sooo cute. That face is adorable! We just got our corgi, Maggie who's 3mos now, on June 30 and we are over the moon. Everyone she meets gives her so much attention when we go out, that I'm guessing that you'll create a riot when you go out with Abby!

We used to live in Fullerton for 30 years. Love Brea Downtown.

Enjoy your puppy. Maggie has a crate she sleeps in and luckily she's never fussed at all at bedtime. I am tired though from all the potty training duties and puppy chew watch! Sue and Maggie

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