Furpants McGee's Comments

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At 5:42pm on July 11, 2008, Butter said…
Hi Leslie, sorry I'm so late in getting back to you. How is your husband? Did he get his test results back yet? Does he still have pain? I pray for him every day. How is your finger healing?
Yes, a smiling face is very therapeutic; I know it is with me. I was sick, in bed, the other afternoon and Baby Butter (my new nickname) came in and did the wave for me twice). If he knows I'm sick or upset, he'll do the wave on his own or he'll bring me toys. Once I start playing with him I always feel better because it takes my mind off what I am going through. That would be amazing if you had a therapy dog.

It must be so exiting to get a puppy and yours is just too cute. I think if anything happened to my baby, I would want to get one that looks like yours because he is so sweet. The countdown is on. bet you can't sleep as it gets closer....

Take care and thanks for writing. Let me know how you're both doing when you have the chance. J/BB
At 3:29pm on July 9, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
I don't know if you've noticed it, but I did send you a message via MyCorgi. In the very upper left hand corner next to your name should be an envelope (messages) and friend request. Just FYI, sometimes it's easier to do that when you're online, since the only other way I know someone left a message on my page is through my email notification.
At 6:37pm on July 8, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Oh no, does that mean that your husband will have to have further surgery to fix the clamp issue? Hopefully not. Sounds like everything else is as it should be, which is great.

Airline regs only state that they have to be able to stand up and turn around. The size you mentioned should be fine. I think she could handle it for short periods of time with no problems. If you have access to one, put a small towel over the crate while in flight and it will help her be more settled and less upset. (sort of den like) Of course that depends on how hot it gets in the cabin, although if she's on the floor it should be cool enough. She is a bit shy, but having you within reach should help her with the unfamiliar location, sounds, and vibrations. Reassure her whenever you can. Only issue is she might get a little sick, make sure she doesn't eat or drink before the first take off and landing. I'm guessing you'll have to change planes at least once. Check with the airline and see if she needs any kind of health certificate to fly "in cabin", I don't think so, but better to be safe than sorry. Also, if you're making several ups and downs, so you might bring her a toy, I recommend the keys from Nylabone to chew on, and a small bottle of water for her. Maybe a couple of small treats (really small). Lastly, make sure you advise the airlines you'll be flying with an "in cabin" pet. Most of them have limitations on the number of "in cabin" pets they will allow. Whew!!!

I also left you some information on the spay/neuter stuff. I'm kind of a nut with making decisions....want all the references, etc. I'm sorry I had Timmy neutered early, I was under the impression that with the smaller breed, orthopedically it wouldn't be a concern, but now I'm dealing with arthritis in a 5 year old hyperactive corgi kid and trying to figure out what I'm gonna do for the next 8-10 years of his life. My bad and we'll live through it. Just feel it might have been different had I waited like I did with my GSD's.
At 4:14pm on July 8, 2008, Joansie said…
Yeah... best of luck with whatever happens though! You know... the covert slip of a generous $$ never hurt anybody :]
At 3:56pm on July 8, 2008, Joansie said…
Hmm, it's a hard choice. You don't know how she reacts to planes so you don't want to stuff her in the back of a plane and risk fear imprinting, especially since she's going with you for the first time. But on the other hand, yeah she might be uncomfortable. Would it be bad to bring both crates and see where she fits?
At 3:34pm on July 8, 2008, Joansie said…
Hmm.. right now I have a plastic kennel carrier that is 14.5x16.7x24 and it seems fine for him for short periods. He can stand up and turn around, but he's outgrowing it quickly. It seems like the only concern is the height limit of the crate. How long is the flight for?
At 11:07pm on July 7, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Actually, a lot of the response that pups have depends on your reactions to the sounds and prior exposure to loud noises. They will always be startled, just like you, but coddling is the wrong approach, teaches them there really is something they should be frightened of. I happen to live a few hundred yards from a river and people go down there to shoot guns all the time especially around hunting season, so Timmy has heard loud noises since he was a wee pup.

Bummer about your ring. Have you taken it to a jeweler yet to find out if they can put it back together? I'm pretty sure they can, since it all started out as melted gold. Good thing you don't have to use your left hand for work or something!

Are you driving up on the 17th? Here's hoping that this lovely weather we're having holds out for you. Actually, bad weather this time of year just means that the fog hangs around a little longer than usual! LOL Getting excited, again? I just know you're gonna love that little (?) girl. She really is a doll. She will be so spoiled, I know. Got all your stuff ready?

Here's hoping everything is smooth sailing until you pick up that girl.
At 10:42pm on July 7, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
I was reading about your hand. Oh my gosh, first your husband and now you. Hopefully everything turns out okay with the tests they ran on your husband. What did you do to sprain your hand? Tennis? or break a fall?

Good thing Petunia won't care if you can only use one hand!! Happy Monday to both of you.
At 10:36pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
Wow, I just caught site of your wedding pictures-you are a stunning couple. They are just beautiful. I hope you have a lifetime of wedded bliss. We are approaching our 5th anniversary soon. Somedays it seems like a miracle LOL and some days it seems like just yesterday. Interesting about time....it is timeless.
At 10:33pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
I'll praying for good results for Jake's tests. No, the ocean water where we were was warm; it is an inlet and we were only up to our knees. It has been about 80 degrees or so for the past 2 weeks so it is warming up. Now, on the north shore of our island, the water would still be ice cold. I actually prefer it that way, reallly makes you feel alive and cools you down quickly.
At 10:33pm on July 7, 2008, mikonami said…
you're corgi is so cute!!! i love the colors. and your wedding pictures are beautiful. =)
At 5:56pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
OK, she is absolutely adorable and I am envious; we never got the puppy stage!!!
At 5:54pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
That is too bad about your finger and ring. That's a shame where you just got married that your ring is wrecked so soon. When will you get your husband's test results back? I would be worried about the pain too. Let me know how you both are doing. I'll go check your little one now.
At 5:32pm on July 7, 2008, Butter said…
Oh my soul!!!! Can your finger be salvaged or were you talking about your ring? Wow, that is too bad. How is your husband doing. Sorry I have been so long replying...that is amazing that your husband gave his kidney to his sister. I hope he is ok!!! Too bad that you have 2 wait 2 more weeks for your puppy. the only bonus if that maybe the breeder is housetraining him for you and he'll be further along in the process...let's hope. I hope you feel better.
By the way, how did they cut the ring off your finger? I always wonder because mine is on for good (gained weight after), often wondered if I needed surgery what would happen. Do they know what they are doing? Were you scared they would knick you? Hope things improve soon for you too and you can get your baby!!! J/B
At 7:00pm on July 4, 2008, Butter said…
Happy 4th of July!~
At 8:24pm on July 2, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…
You're welcome. Wish I was a better photographer. Talk to you in a couple of days.
At 7:47pm on July 2, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…

Ooops, I sent you two of the same ones. Oh well. The other one isn't very good. I wanted to get a picture of her sitting up, but of course as soon as I went to shoot the picture, she decided to move. By the way she has cute little brown patches on her cheeks and a smooth coat, very soft.
At 7:43pm on July 2, 2008, Sylvia & Timmy said…

Leslie and Jake,
Here's the pictures I took. You'll see she's not so small any more. Matter of fact she looked as big as the two other girls in her box. What a snuggler, she crawled right up onto my shoulder and just stayed there, didn't even bite. Course that doesn't mean she'll stay that way. She has a little runny left eye, but Steve thinks it's because he of the litter he uses which is a mix of pine and cedar. I think you'll be quite surprised at how well she gets along with everyone and her temperment. I'm jealous!! She's an absolute doll.

At 12:59pm on July 1, 2008, Juel said…
I could only imagine how excited you must be! I went with Siliva to the dog show this weekend and meet Steve and a few other breeders, If I wasn't already hooked I would have been then! what made you decide on a cardi? I can't decide on a pem or a cardi. I think I am leaning to a pem. Good luck!
At 12:25pm on July 1, 2008, Juel said…
What a beautiful family you all make! judging by Silvia's side of the conversation can I guess that you are coming up to Mckinnliville to get your puppy? congrats! and welcome to my corgi!

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