White female corgi?First of all, I would not do anything to be unfair to my current girl or my future dog. But I do want to share my feelings of seeing this rare beautiful corgi and hoping for some thoughts or suggesti…DiscussionWhite female corgi?4 LikesIMG_0205photoIMG_02054 LikesFences meant it when she said she would thro…photoFences meant it when she said she would thro…7 LikesCorgi BootyphotoCorgi Booty9 Likes:-Dphoto:-D5 Likesawwwphotoawww3 LikesMoclips, Wa/Pacific Beach 9/1/12photoMoclips, Wa/Pacific Beach 9/1/121 LikeStitch - 9-2-12photoStitch - 9-2-128 LikesIMG_1140photoIMG_11401 LikeHotdog costumephotoHotdog costume7 LikesThio @ high schoolphotoThio @ high school4 Likessophie tuckered outphotosophie tuckered out3 Likes6 months old already!photo6 months old already!3 LikesSleeping budsphotoSleeping buds3 LikesTraffic jamphotoTraffic jam11 LikesSleepy pupsphotoSleepy pups7 LikesWant to Play?photoWant to Play?3 LikesLittle OnephotoLittle One5 LikesCorgi Puppy Takes A NapvideoCorgi Puppy Takes A Nap6 LikesFirst Taste of Fresh CornphotoFirst Taste of Fresh Corn3 LikesDreaming of Tennis BallsphotoDreaming of Tennis Balls1 Like