I can't believe my Sidney is five already!
So handsome in his…
Blog Happy 5th Birthday Sidney! 10 Likes IMG_0901Ziggy is home:D
Unfortunately, there wasn't video time, and Ziggy didn't get all crazy happy jump aroundy, but I am happy:) You can tell he did miss me, and I missed him more than crazy, so…
Blog Woohoo! 8 Likes Dingleberries. Just a simple question... How do you deal with them? Discussion Dingleberries. 2 Likes Zorro has Arrived!Yesterday Joe, my parents, and I drove a little over three and a half hours to pick up Zorro (and as my parents like to say their first grandson from me). When we got there we were immediately…
Blog Zorro has Arrived! 6 Likes Weird behavior? Today I brought home three beef tracheas, one for each of my three dogs. The two senior dogs weren't interested, so within a short amount of time, Sidney had "collected" all three. That part isn't so… Discussion Weird behavior? 4 Likes jubilee12-hpHey Guys!
Wanted to share the amazing story of how my corgi, Toby, was once kidnapped by my crazy landlord and her animal activist neighbor; I hired a private detective and was…
Blog Not Without My Corgi: The Toby Jones Story 2 LikesI have never written a blog before. But I need to write this in response to a piece I read last night, from a young woman named Rebecca whose…
Blog Why write this? 18 Likes
It's not been a great summer for dog outings. It's been very…
Blog Corgi Outing! 7 Likes Sidney's Day at Camp Hope
As some of you might know, Sidney is a certified therapy dog…
Blog Sidney's Day at Camp Hope 10 LikesHooray, my baby boy turned 4 this week! It's hard to believe he's been in our lives so long; I guess time…
Blog Sidney's 4th Birthday! 7 LikesOn Saturday, Sidney and I walked in the San Diego Humane Society's "Barkin' Beach Bash" with Team Low Rider II.
The original Low Rider team that Sidney and I captain is for the Escondido…
Blog Barkin' Beach Bash - and we've finally found new kibble! 3 LikesAnd I am on Cloud 9! I am so proud of my awesome team. We went above and beyond and showed true corgi spirit.…
Blog Team Low Rider did it! #1 Fundraising Team! 10 Likes A Dog on the Floor (a story narrated in pictures)
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