Zelda in the YardphotoZelda in the Yard1 LikeRestingphotoResting3 LikesYou Might Be A Corgi Owner If...
You have to leave notes like this...…
BlogYou Might Be A Corgi Owner If...16 LikesIMG01416-20120127-1809photoIMG01416-20120127-18092 LikesMini-SplootphotoMini-Sploot4 Likes
January 2012
Charlie 6 1/2 weeksphotoCharlie 6 1/2 weeks4 Likes3-Bearsphoto3-Bears7 Likesbathtimephotobathtime6 LikesI'm not looking at the cameraphotoI'm not looking at the camera2 LikesRook2photoRook21 LikeDSC_1486-snow-tumblr-2photoDSC_1486-snow-tumblr-23 Likeshes here!sorry to keep u all hanging but i finally got the chance to post pics:) we picked up our little guy last Saturday (the 14th) and he has kept me on my toes. this has been such a learning experience fo…Discussionhes here!10 LikesI'm hungry mom!!photoI'm hungry mom!!2 LikesPaddles@week 10photoPaddles@week 102 LikesPost-Breakfast NapphotoPost-Breakfast Nap8 LikesMax w/ his favorite braphotoMax w/ his favorite bra3 LikesCheeeeese!photoCheeeeese!5 Likeschewingphotochewing4 LikesThis doesn't even look comfortablephotoThis doesn't even look comfortable1 Like