Vince 9photoVince 92 LikesBlue Merle PembrokeI've scene a lot of Cardigan Corgis on here but I don't see to many Pembrokes. Are they more rare?BlogBlue Merle Pembroke1 LikeIMG_2539photoIMG_25392 LikesDuck HerdingvideoDuck Herding5 LikesTempe081411A1232photoTempe081411A12328 LikesCorgicrew070411DphotoCorgicrew070411D3 Likesbartlebyphotobartleby3 LikesFeeding time!!!photoFeeding time!!!2 LikesDSC00927photoDSC009271 LikeYoda's First PicnicphotoYoda's First Picnic1 LikeSAM_1110photoSAM_11101 Like14022010205photo140220102052 LikesDSC01636photoDSC016361 LikeWedding 087photoWedding 0872 LikesDaire's 21st 089photoDaire's 21st 0893 LikesTucker & ZoeyphotoTucker & Zoey9 LikesA moment of detente, and the classic "chicke…photoA moment of detente, and the classic "chicke…1 LikeChair ridesvideoChair rides3 Likes2011 Illinois Corgi PicnicHi Everyone!
I was wondering if anyone was interested in planning or wanted to throw ideas out for this years corgi picnic. It's been awhile since Carter has seen anyone of you guys and I know he…Discussion2011 Illinois Corgi Picnic1 LikeMilo's 1st Birthday!photoMilo's 1st Birthday!3 LikesFun StuffBear met Phil's Dad this past weekend. Having never seen a corgi, his comment was "He's a half a dog high and a dog and a half long!"DiscussionFun Stuff1 Like