Sidney (on the right) is my boy. Sadie belongs to my friend Liz. Sid and Sadie…
BlogMerry Christmas from Sid and Sadie!10 LikesOrion AvatarphotoOrion Avatar4 LikesAre we going home?photoAre we going home?4 Likes
November 2012
12 Month Calendar?Just thought I'd throw this out in a discussion... I have been wondering and I know others are too... is MyCorgi planning a 2013 12 Month Calendar? I know the 365-day didn't work out, but that doesn…Discussion12 Month Calendar?5 Likes
October 2012
IMG_4429photoIMG_44294 Likes
September 2012
Twiggin' it UP!photoTwiggin' it UP!1 LikeCorgis in GLBT FamiliesGroupCorgis in GLBT Families4 LikesWinstonphotoWinston1 Like
August 2012
HarleyphotoHarley1 LikeHouse Training 101I have seen a multitude of posts regarding housetraining so thought I would construct information that would serve as basic guidelines of how to train and what to expect. We all get excited about…BlogHouse Training 1012 Likes