Crazy eyesphotoCrazy eyes3 LikesPlaying in the SnowphotoPlaying in the Snow1 LikeJet (left) and Spike (right)photoJet (left) and Spike (right)1 Like
September 2011
hey... let's call Al and Gwynnie...photohey... let's call Al and Gwynnie...2 LikesMy best Bud!photoMy best Bud!4 LikesLivvy babysits:)photoLivvy babysits:)1 LikeWill Saturday be Alun's big day??????Hopefully by tomorrow night Alun will be home with his new family. I am soooooo lucky to have a humane society nearby that wanted me to help find Alun a new home. They would have loved me to take him…BlogWill Saturday be Alun's big day??????5 Likes