Our Wedding Video with CorgisvideoOur Wedding Video with Corgis4 LikesBattle FocusphotoBattle Focus5 Likesmy puppy 3photomy puppy 31 LikeOne Wild NightphotoOne Wild Night1 Like20140622_125443_edited_editedphoto20140622_125443_edited_edited4 Likes2014-06-23 10.39.55photo2014-06-23 10.39.552 LikesSAR corgi shines in air crash disasterAn aircraft struck one of the transmission towers on the hilltop in our Maple Leaf neighborhood, showering wreckage upon the community.
Here is my coverage of the Maple Leaf Aviation Disaster of 2014…DiscussionSAR corgi shines in air crash disaster3 LikesNo TitlephotoNo Title1 LikeStuffed animal peek-a-boo!photoStuffed animal peek-a-boo!1 LikeMary PhoenixMemberMary Phoenix1 LikeKoby Shows Off Her DogglesphotoKoby Shows Off Her Doggles1 LikeThe Corgis and Their Gear.photoThe Corgis and Their Gear.1 LikeJammin'photoJammin'1 LikeDoes anyone else have a dog who intentionall…I think ours is training us. He "loses" his ball all the time (under the couch, under our cedar chest, under the tv stand, and anything else he can just squeeze it under), make a half-hearted attempt…DiscussionDoes anyone else have a dog who intentionall…2 LikesIMG_0525photoIMG_05251 LikeOur engagement photo with CaseyphotoOur engagement photo with Casey2 LikesFamily Reunion:)
BlogFamily Reunion:)6 LikesIs this your shoe?photoIs this your shoe?2 Likes
May 2014
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