Koby Shows Off Her DogglesphotoKoby Shows Off Her Doggles1 LikeThe Corgis and Their Gear.photoThe Corgis and Their Gear.1 LikeJammin'photoJammin'1 LikeDoes anyone else have a dog who intentionall…I think ours is training us. He "loses" his ball all the time (under the couch, under our cedar chest, under the tv stand, and anything else he can just squeeze it under), make a half-hearted attempt…DiscussionDoes anyone else have a dog who intentionall…2 LikesIMG_0525photoIMG_05251 LikeOur engagement photo with CaseyphotoOur engagement photo with Casey2 LikesFamily Reunion:)
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May 2014
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"What happened to your dog's legs?"Let's collect all our witty comebacks to this common silly question into a FAQ. Thanks to all who have contributed. Here's what we have so far, keep them coming, limit 250 submissions per person:
"Th…Discussion"What happened to your dog's legs?"2 Likes