Fantasies of stardom.photoFantasies of stardom.4 LikesStuart, schmuart.photoStuart, schmuart.4 LikesHurryup with that meal.photoHurryup with that meal.4 LikesAnother exciting day.photoAnother exciting day.2 LikesStupefied by earthly grandeur.photoStupefied by earthly grandeur.3 LikesRendered speechless by the inedible wonders…photoRendered speechless by the inedible wonders…2 Likes
May 2013
Memorial Day
BlogMemorial Day5 LikesHe's Totally Begging for it lol!!!videoHe's Totally Begging for it lol!!!4 Likescorgi sighting: Prairie Home Companion -- a…5/25/13 Welsh corgis made a cameo appearance on NPR's "A Prairie Home Companion" in an episode of "Guy Noir, Private Eye". Mr. Noir is in Washington, D.C., and is approached by various politicians…Discussioncorgi sighting: Prairie Home Companion -- a…2 Likesbumper stickerphotobumper sticker6 LikesMACC, deer, sparkie, etc 004photoMACC, deer, sparkie, etc 0042 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning3 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning2 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning2 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning3 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning3 LikesPupsters enjoying the early morningphotoPupsters enjoying the early morning3 Likesshamedphotoshamed2 Likes
April 2013
DRAMATIC KIRBYphotoDRAMATIC KIRBY2 LikesBegging me for my burger while in the car!photoBegging me for my burger while in the car!2 LikesDevil CorgiEvery day I take a shower. Every day I put a cloth bath mat down so that when I step out of the shower I'm not on the tiles all wet. And every day Dipper sneaks in--and he only does this when my ba…DiscussionDevil Corgi2 Likes