Merry Christmas to me!photoMerry Christmas to me!2 LikesFrog LegsphotoFrog Legs7 Likessnuggling with favorite toyphotosnuggling with favorite toy4 LikesSoy una chica caliente, no?photoSoy una chica caliente, no?3 LikesSisters love their cake!photoSisters love their cake!2 LikesTwinkie/Sushi 2011photoTwinkie/Sushi 20116 LikesWhy you gotta leave me??photoWhy you gotta leave me??4 LikesTreats?photoTreats?3 LikesHi there.photoHi there.3 LikesAnd... I am done.photoAnd... I am done.3 LikesAll I want for Christmas.....photoAll I want for Christmas.....3 Likesfriends! and dear Abbey is home!! 011photofriends! and dear Abbey is home!! 01121 LikesMileyphotoMiley3 LikesMileyphotoMiley3 LikesP1050900photoP10509002 LikesTazmanian CorgivideoTazmanian Corgi3 LikesDramatic RaifephotoDramatic Raife9 LikesOne of these things...videoOne of these things...6 Likes
November 2012
ChokingSo I was working on the calendar last night, Vienna was having dinner in the kitchen and I overheard her coughing, I thought... no big deal because sometimes she eats too fast and it happens, so I di…DiscussionChoking5 LikesZiggy Being Cute in Trade for NomsvideoZiggy Being Cute in Trade for Noms3 LikesChillin'photoChillin'4 Likes