175 Corgi Trainphoto175 Corgi Train3 LikesWalter - Side ViewphotoWalter - Side View3 LikesDaisy and The Oak Tree.photoDaisy and The Oak Tree.3 LikesDaisy and her friend, Bunny.photoDaisy and her friend, Bunny.1 LikeP3020204photoP30202045 LikesP3020203photoP30202036 LikesZiggy in the SnowphotoZiggy in the Snow4 Likes
February 2013
3photo31 Like4photo41 Like10photo102 Likes8photo81 LikeZiggy Loves Snow!videoZiggy Loves Snow!3 LikesAce goes up the stairs, backwards!videoAce goes up the stairs, backwards!6 Likes2013, Feb 002photo2013, Feb 0025 Likes2013, Feb 007photo2013, Feb 0077 LikesWhen to let your corgi free?Hi all... I wanted to know when was the first time you let your corgi free, off the leash? I want to take him places like the beach and play ball at the park without fear of him running away. We are…DiscussionWhen to let your corgi free?1 LikeCorgi Squishable Pre-Orders Available Again!In case anyone is interested, the pre-orders for a Corgi Squishable are open again! YAY!!!
<a href="http://www.squishable.com/p/squish_corgi_iou/">http://www.squishable.com/p/squish_corgi_iou/</a>
NOTE: squishable corgi not a valid substitute for squishing a…DiscussionCorgi Squishable Pre-Orders Available Again!4 LikesPhoto on 2013-02-16 at 10.54photoPhoto on 2013-02-16 at 10.543 LikesPhoto on 2013-02-16 at 10.55 #2photoPhoto on 2013-02-16 at 10.55 #22 Likes019photo0191 LikePembroke Welsh Corgi judging at the 2013 Wes…Some of the very finest Corgis in the USA and beyond:
<a href="http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/videos/#/Breed%20Judging/2013/Herding/vid:2624894">http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/videos/#/Breed%20Judging/2013/Herding/vid:2624894</a>DiscussionPembroke Welsh Corgi judging at the 2013 Wes…5 Likes