Christmas pic gone wrongphotoChristmas pic gone wrong6 LikesIMG_3303photoIMG_33034 Likes0000000000photo00000000002 LikesFestivusphotoFestivus2 LikesFirst Snow DayphotoFirst Snow Day3 LikesNutter Butter Puppy 12 21 12photoNutter Butter Puppy 12 21 123 LikesWait a minute, that guy looks like me!videoWait a minute, that guy looks like me!6 LikesSnow ballphotoSnow ball2 LikesLuna and the Christmas treephotoLuna and the Christmas tree2 Likesfluff buns!photofluff buns!5 LikesSomeone doesn't like wrapping presents!
BlogSomeone doesn't like wrapping presents!7 LikesBogart visits the office and takes over the…photoBogart visits the office and takes over the…5 LikesWhat dirt????photoWhat dirt????4 LikesBecca and PumpkinsphotoBecca and Pumpkins4 LikesWhere's Waldo: Corgi style!UPDATE: A Where's Franklin fan page has been created on Facebook for those of you who enjoy the game and want to keep updated with his daily photos! Come by and like the page so you can find Franklin…DiscussionWhere's Waldo: Corgi style!9 LikesWho said corgi's don't like water?videoWho said corgi's don't like water?3 LikesDallasisevolving!photoDallasisevolving!3 LikesMe and my django buddy!photoMe and my django buddy!2 LikesKippers Birthday
Is that for me?
It is! Can I open…
BlogKippers Birthday9 LikesOfficial Picture: 2012 PWCCA National Specia…photoOfficial Picture: 2012 PWCCA National Specia…4 LikesHappy Holidays!