Morty at Huntington BeachphotoMorty at Huntington Beach2 LikesMorty and the Persimmon TreephotoMorty and the Persimmon Tree2 LikesMortyphotoMorty1 LikeMorty at Venice BeachphotoMorty at Venice Beach2 LikesMorty and the snailphotoMorty and the snail4 Likes6-13-12_2photo6-13-12_21 Like6-13-12photo6-13-124 LikesPrettyProfilephotoPrettyProfile5 LikesPhoto uploaded on June 13, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on June 13, 20122 Likes2012-02-27 07.11.53photo2012-02-27 07.11.531 LikeIf you're sexy and you know itphotoIf you're sexy and you know it8 Likeshehephotohehe3 Likeswhy hellophotowhy hello3 LikesLu snoozin' on her backphotoLu snoozin' on her back2 LikesMocha's Bucket List #12videoMocha's Bucket List #128 LikesDee Dee's photo shootI always wanted to have Dee Dee 's pictures done professionally. When Melissa and Franklin posted their photo shoot with the Purple Collar Pet Photography, I knew this guy was it for Dee Dee too!! …DiscussionDee Dee's photo shoot15 LikesMocha's bucket listI'm going to document Mocha's bucket list, a photo will be posted as I complete each one :) Feel free to suggest one for us!
1. Eat lots of homemade waffles
2. Riding shotgun instead of the cargo…DiscussionMocha's bucket list48 Likes2012-06-09 01.00.55photo2012-06-09 01.00.551 Like2012-06-09 01.33.52photo2012-06-09 01.33.523 Likes2012-06-09 01.34.07photo2012-06-09 01.34.071 LikelimmP1040262photolimmP10402625 Likes