Morty at Venice BeachphotoMorty at Venice Beach2 LikesMorty and the snailphotoMorty and the snail4 Likes6-13-12_2photo6-13-12_21 Like6-13-12photo6-13-124 LikesPrettyProfilephotoPrettyProfile5 LikesPhoto uploaded on June 13, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on June 13, 20122 Likes2012-02-27 07.11.53photo2012-02-27 07.11.531 LikeIf you're sexy and you know itphotoIf you're sexy and you know it8 Likeshehephotohehe3 Likeswhy hellophotowhy hello3 LikesLu snoozin' on her backphotoLu snoozin' on her back2 LikesMocha's Bucket List #12videoMocha's Bucket List #128 LikesDee Dee's photo shootI always wanted to have Dee Dee 's pictures done professionally. When Melissa and Franklin posted their photo shoot with the Purple Collar Pet Photography, I knew this guy was it for Dee Dee too!! …DiscussionDee Dee's photo shoot15 LikesMocha's bucket listI'm going to document Mocha's bucket list, a photo will be posted as I complete each one :) Feel free to suggest one for us!
1. Eat lots of homemade waffles
2. Riding shotgun instead of the cargo…DiscussionMocha's bucket list48 Likes2012-06-09 01.00.55photo2012-06-09 01.00.551 Like2012-06-09 01.33.52photo2012-06-09 01.33.523 Likes2012-06-09 01.34.07photo2012-06-09 01.34.071 LikelimmP1040262photolimmP10402625 LikesIMG_0054photoIMG_00542 LikesIMG_0097photoIMG_00971 LikeIMG_0111photoIMG_01112 Likes