Summer in ArizonaphotoSummer in Arizona4 LikesCatchin' some ZzZzZZzzZzsssphotoCatchin' some ZzZzZZzzZzsss4 LikesAt the Vet's officephotoAt the Vet's office3 LikesPudge goes swimming in the GulfvideoPudge goes swimming in the Gulf1 LikeRunSaberRunphotoRunSaberRun1 LikeRun Saber RunphotoRun Saber Run1 LikeI've had my boy for over a month now!Wow time flies! I have had Kirby for over a month now and he has made so much progress! Unfortunately we are still dealing with some aggression issues that are bound to happen with 2 male dogs who bo…DiscussionI've had my boy for over a month now!9 LikesSleepy Tuck 1photoSleepy Tuck 11 LikeWinston DownphotoWinston Down1 LikeIMG_0554photoIMG_05546 Likesfinnick34photofinnick341 Like2012-03-28_11-17-59_112photo2012-03-28_11-17-59_1125 Likes"but why do I have to wear this collar?"photo"but why do I have to wear this collar?"7 Likes"sigh.. can you take it off now already?"photo"sigh.. can you take it off now already?"5 LikesBrody March 2012-10photoBrody March 2012-102 LikesBrody March 2012-9photoBrody March 2012-95 LikesBrody March 2012-8photoBrody March 2012-83 LikesBrody March 2012-7photoBrody March 2012-72 LikesBrody March 2012-6photoBrody March 2012-62 LikesBrody March 2012photoBrody March 20121 LikeBrody March 2012-2photoBrody March 2012-21 Like