Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue Fall PicniceventArizona Cactus Corgi Rescue Fall Picnic1 Like
August 2012
Takin' over the bedphotoTakin' over the bed4 LikesDSC01880.JPGphotoDSC01880.JPG4 LikesIMAG3251photoIMAG32513 LikesMilophotoMilo3 Likes
July 2012
Kitchen play.photoKitchen play.5 Likes
June 2012
P2180054photoP21800542 LikesI'm t eh best helper!photoI'm t eh best helper!3 LikeslimmP1040323photolimmP10403234 LikesArizona Corgis!GroupArizona Corgis!40 LikesIMG_0770photoIMG_07701 LikelimmP1040262photolimmP10402625 LikesI'm in the doghouse, so what's the big deal?
BlogI'm in the doghouse, so what's the big deal?12 Likes