IMG_1074photoIMG_10742 LikesSleepyMaddiephotoSleepyMaddie1 Like2011 Easter Egg Huntphoto2011 Easter Egg Hunt4 Likesmax 7photomax 72 LikesKong out CorgiphotoKong out Corgi1 LikeGoing for a hike in FremontphotoGoing for a hike in Fremont1 LikePawphotoPaw2 LikesNeighborhood Watch ProgramphotoNeighborhood Watch Program2 LikesSDC10096photoSDC100961 Likecops made him run a line testphotocops made him run a line test1 LikeDSC_0007-2photoDSC_0007-24 LikesDSC_0010photoDSC_00103 Likesshowing off his buttphotoshowing off his butt4 Likesknocked out in the dirt -__-photoknocked out in the dirt -__-2 LikesShhh...I'm gonna surprise the cat!photoShhh...I'm gonna surprise the cat!2 LikesStop laughing!photoStop laughing!2 Likes