Rolling OverphotoRolling Over3 LikesSitphotoSit3 Likes
November 2011
Pouting because he doesn't get human food.photoPouting because he doesn't get human food.2 LikesHalloween!photoHalloween!2 Likescookies or legphotocookies or leg2 LikesHave you all seen this before? My cousin just sent it to me. It's lovely and suits my little dwarf to a tee!"Corgi Fantasy"
Would you know where Corgis come from?
How they came to live with mortals?
Hearken to the ancient legend,
Hearken to the story-teller
On the…BlogHave you all seen this before? My cousin just sent it to me. It's lovely and suits my little dwarf to a tee!4 LikesAfter bath time =)photoAfter bath time =)2 LikesI REALLY hate baths...photoI REALLY hate baths...3 LikesI'm a workin' dogggphotoI'm a workin' doggg3 LikesRSCN2393_100photoRSCN2393_1001 Likemy_watch_dog_by_radioactive_raccoon-d4hhopdphotomy_watch_dog_by_radioactive_raccoon-d4hhopd3 LikesSasha in nap modephotoSasha in nap mode2 Likesdown town (2) 137photodown town (2) 1372 Likes377051_10100629486855151_6004706_57797339_17…photo377051_10100629486855151_6004706_57797339_17…1 LikeDSC_0783photoDSC_07832 LikesCorgis front to backphotoCorgis front to back3 Likesteddys new collar and his birthday 022phototeddys new collar and his birthday 0224 Likesmikeyphotomikey4 LikesCrazy CorgivideoCrazy Corgi4 LikesIMG_7534photoIMG_75343 Likesoliver fall 2011 third set 010photooliver fall 2011 third set 0102 Likes